hg site extension
(Arne Babenhauserheide)
2014-02-09: merge default into releases releases 0.5.2

merge default into releases

diff --git a/.bugs/bugs b/.bugs/bugs
--- a/.bugs/bugs
+++ b/.bugs/bugs
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Idea: hg clone/push ftp://host.tld/path/
 add linenumbers to the src files.                            | owner:Arne Babenhauserheide <bab@draketo.de>, open:False, id:b7bab6f46da7d224f97d0dac55a617d3a464d301, time:1319147678.56
 commits as commit/<rev>/ for long term viability. .html as suffix is not as long lived as a simple dirname. | owner:Arne Babenhauserheide <bab@draketo.de>, open:True, id:baaad4bdc13d7155048ce6a9dde92dc857b6a1ac, time:1319148414.16
 clone/<pathname>/ → incoming log (commits) + possibly an associated issue in b. | owner:Arne Babenhauserheide <bab@draketo.de>, open:True, id:c58557260a47597ac5057703e26a94df190a2a5d, time:1319147661.8
-only write bug files if their content differs from the content on disk to avoid reuploading them without need | owner:, open:True, id:c7b2cf5fdbc68160530a08e1d651c23a1f49fc01, time:1365865229.49
+only write bug files if their content differs from the content on disk to avoid reuploading them without need | owner:, open:False, id:c7b2cf5fdbc68160530a08e1d651c23a1f49fc01, time:1365865229.49
 incoming commits have no diffstat                            | owner:, open:True, id:cf36e24ae03073dd92827cbd151e3ca0a6d1dd52, time:1365872088.99
 no longer create raw files, since they can’t be served by all webservers and waste bandwidth and space (they are no longer linked anyway). | owner:Arne Babenhauserheide <bab@draketo.de>, open:False, id:d1010e1933648f65af37d969bfb45f8d834fc8bb, time:1319148721.49
 add a footer which links back to hgsite                      | owner:Arne Babenhauserheide <bab@draketo.de>, open:False, id:ed55d92709329e81b8d619c4d2a9aa97361fefd8, time:1365863559.31
diff --git a/README.txt b/README.txt
--- a/README.txt
+++ b/README.txt
@@ -15,10 +15,12 @@ information as hg serve and full solutio
 gitorious (naturally without the interactivity, but you can always
 clone the repo to interact).
-Thanks to the static http support of Mercurial, the clone and browse
+Thanks to the static http support of [Mercurial][], the clone and browse
 URLs are the same, so you can look at the site with your webbrowser or
 clone the repository with Mercurial using the same URL.
+[Mercurial]: http://mercurial.selenic.com "Fast and easy-to-use, free distributed version control system."
 The fork detection allows tieing multiple platforms together: It
 tracks repositories from any source for which Mercurial can calculate
 incoming and outgoing changes. And since the bugtracking happens via
@@ -28,14 +30,13 @@ the b-extension, your bugtracking follow
-- shows the history, branches, tags and bookmarks
-- shows bugs tracked via the [b-extension][]
-- shows the readme
-- shows forks defined as paths in `.hg/hgrc` - from any source hg supports
-- uploads only  changed files (based on the time they
-were last modified), so uploads can be reasonably fast.
-- Supports FTP and FTPS. Use the latter if you can (just use URLs starting with `ftps://`)
-- static site (no vulnerabilities, little dependencies, high performance)
+- shows the history, branches, tags and bookmarks.
+- shows bugs tracked via the [b-extension][].
+- shows the readme.
+- shows forks which are defined as paths in `.hg/hgrc` - from any source hg supports.
+- uploads only  hanged files (based on the time they were last modified), so uploads can be reasonably fast.
+- Supports FTP and FTPS. Use the latter if you can (just use URLs starting with `ftps://`).
+- static site (no vulnerabilities, little dependencies, high performance).
 [b-extension]: http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/bExtension "Distributed Bug Tracking: Get bugs resolved, not organized"
@@ -111,4 +112,6 @@ Notes
 Copyright 2012 till 2014 Arne Babenhauserheide, Licensed under GPLv2 or later.
-Related: git2html → http://hssl.cs.jhu.edu/~neal/git2html/
+Related: [git2html][] 
+[git2html]: http://hssl.cs.jhu.edu/~neal/git2html/ "A static repository generator for git"
diff --git a/staticsite.py b/staticsite.py
--- a/staticsite.py
+++ b/staticsite.py
@@ -898,7 +898,7 @@ def writelog(ui, repo, target, name):
             ctx = repo.changectx(str(-c))
         logs[-1][-1] += ui.popbuffer()
-        logs[-1][-1] += """"</div>"""
+        logs[-1][-1] += """</div>"""
     for filepath,data in logs:
         data += templates["foot"].replace("{reponame}", "<a href='../'>"+name+"</a>")