; !#

; A world projected on a d20 (20-sided die, ikosaeder)

; For this we need a vector with 20 elements, a vector which shows the
; neighboring elements and accessor functions which give us the
; relevant elements for any set of longitude and latitude as well as
; its inverse (element-id to lon+lat). For further subdivisions, just
; elevate the center of each edge and connect these centers.

; Advection: Give each field a wind direction: target fields with an
; advection fraction: The fraction of the value which will be
; transported into the other field. Basic system: Follow the numbers.

define-module : examples d20world
              . #:export : world neighbors d20-as-text d20-diffuse

use-modules : ice-9 format

define world : make-vector 20 0
define neighbors : make-vector 20
; count from the top

; Contains the numbers instead of the indexes, to make it easier for
; me to think about them.
;   7       8
;    3    4  
;       1        
;   6   2   9
;     5   10
;    14       13
;     18    17
;        20        
;   15   19   12
;     16    11
define neighbors-helper
  ' : 1 2 3 4
      2 1 5 10
      3 1 6 7
      4 1 8 9
      5 2 6 14
      6 3 5 15
      7 3 8 16
      8 4 7 11
      9 4 10 12
      10 1 9 13
      20 19 18 17
      19 20 16 11
      18 20 15 14
      17 20 13 12
      16 19 17 7
      15 18 16 6
      14 18 13 5
      13 17 14 10
      12 17 11 9
      11 19 12 8

let loop : : relationships neighbors-helper
   : null? relationships
     . neighbors
      : cur : car relationships
        idx : 1- : car cur
        vec : cdr cur
      vector-set! world idx : 1+ idx
      vector-set! neighbors idx : make-vector 3
      let setidx : : idxtoset '(0 1 2)
         : null? idxtoset
           ; the outer loop continues here
           loop : cdr relationships
                vector-ref neighbors idx
                car idxtoset
                1- : list-ref vec : car idxtoset
            setidx : cdr idxtoset

define advection-directions
       make-vector 20

let loop : : index 20
      : = 0 index
        . advection-directions
      : = 20 index
        vector-set! advection-directions (1- index) (1- index)
        loop : 1- index
        vector-set! advection-directions (1- index) index
        loop : 1- index

define : d20-value-ascii-color-string letter value
         . "Create an ascii color string for d20."
           : csi "["
             color : inexact->exact : max 17 : min 230 : floor : * 12 value
           format #f "~A38;5;~dm~A~Am" csi color letter csi

define : d20-value-ascii-color-string-show-values letter value
         . "Create an ascii color string for d20."
           : csi "["
             color : inexact->exact : max 17 : min 230 : floor : * 12 value
             int : inexact->exact : floor : * 12 value
           format #f "~A38;5;~dm~A~Am" csi color int csi

define : d20-as-text-base world-vector function
         . "show the given d20 world as text"
           : template "
 ~A         ~A     
   ~A    ~A        
 ~A    ~A    ~A    
    ~A   ~A        
 ~A       ~A       
  ~A    ~A         
~A   ~A   ~A       
  ~A    ~A         
             indexes ' : 7 8 3 4 1 6 2 9 5 10 14 13 18 17 20 15 19 12 16 11
           apply format : append (list #f template) : map function indexes : map (lambda (x) (vector-ref world (1- x))) indexes

define : d20-as-text world-vector
         . "show the given d20 world as text"
         d20-as-text-base world-vector d20-value-ascii-color-string-show-values

define : d20-cursor-up-text world-vector
         . "Kill each line of the text of the world vector in a terminal."
           : text : d20-as-text-base world-vector d20-value-ascii-color-string-show-values
             lines : string-split text #\newline
           format #t "[~AA" : 1- : length lines

define : d20-diffuse world neighbors D
       . "Diffuse the values on the d20 using the diffusion constant D. Step 1: Simply iterative."
       let leapfrog : : targets '(0 1 2)
           if : null?  targets
             . world
             let loop : : neighbors-to-diffuse : iota : vector-length neighbors
                  : null? neighbors-to-diffuse
                    leapfrog : cdr targets
                          : originidx : car neighbors-to-diffuse ; index in world and in neighbors
                            targetleap : car targets
                            targetidx : vector-ref (vector-ref neighbors originidx) targetleap
                            originval : vector-ref world originidx
                            targetval : vector-ref world targetidx
                            diff : * (/ D 3) : - targetval originval
                          vector-set! world originidx : + originval diff
                          vector-set! world targetidx : - targetval diff
                      loop : cdr neighbors-to-diffuse

define : d20-advect world advection-directions A
         . "Advect the values on the d20 using the advection constant A."
         let loop : : neighbors-to-advect : iota : vector-length advection-directions
               : null? neighbors-to-advect
                 . world
                   : source : car neighbors-to-advect
                     target : vector-ref advection-directions source
                     source-value : vector-ref world source
                     target-value : vector-ref world target
                     change : * A source-value
                     source-new : - source-value change
                     target-new : + target-value change
                   ; format #t "target: ~A, source: ~A, change: ~A\n" target source change
                   when : not : = source target
                       vector-set! world source source-new
                       vector-set! world target target-new
                 loop : cdr neighbors-to-advect

define φ : * (/ 1 2) : 1+ : sqrt 5

define : latlon2cellidx lat lon 
        . "Convert a position given as latitude and longitude into the correct cell index."
        ; cell 1 (index 0) is on top, cell 20 at the bottom. The right
        ; border of cell 2 is situated at longitude 0. With that, the
        ; left corner of cell 19 is at longitude 180. Top and bottom
        ; are point-symmetric. We can cleanly divide the upper part of
        ; the icosaeder into 3 regions by longitude. Let's do that.
            : upper : > lat 0
              ; we start by switching to a symmetric longitude
              slon : if upper lon : + lon 180
              ; the sector number is defined by the uppermost triangle
              ; in it.
              sector : if (< slon 120) 4 (if (< slon 270) 3 2)
              ; we start by calculating the fraction inside the sector
              lonsectorfraction : modulo slon 120
              ; we can further subdivide the sector by longitude into two subsectors
              subseclon : if (< lon 60) lon (-120 lon)
              ; TODO find some more symmetry or start nontrivial geometry.
            . #t

display : d20-as-text world
format #t "Diffuse ~A\n" 0.01
d20-diffuse world neighbors 0.01
display : d20-as-text world
format #t "Advect ~A\n" 0.1
d20-advect world advection-directions 0.1
display : d20-as-text world
format #t "Diffuse ~A\n" 0.1
d20-diffuse world neighbors 0.1
display : d20-as-text world
format #t "Diffuse: ~A*(~A)\n" 100 0.1
let loop : : steps 100
      : = 0 steps
        . world
        d20-diffuse world neighbors 0.1
        loop : 1- steps
display : d20-as-text world
  : number 20
    val 1
  format #t "disturb: ~A to ~A\n" number val
  vector-set! world (1- number) val
  display : d20-as-text world
format #t "Diffuse ~A\n" 0.1
d20-diffuse world neighbors 0.1
display : d20-as-text world

format #t "Advect: ~A*(~A)\n" 1000 0.001
let loop : : steps 1000
      : = 0 steps
        . world
        d20-advect world advection-directions 0.001
        display : d20-as-text world
        d20-cursor-up-text world
        loop : 1- steps
display : d20-as-text world
format #t "Diffuse: ~A*(~A)\n" 1000 0.004
let loop : : steps 1000
      : = 0 steps
        . world
        d20-diffuse world neighbors 0.004
        display : d20-as-text world
        d20-cursor-up-text world
        loop : 1- steps
display : d20-as-text world
format #t "Diffuse+Advect: ~A*(~A+~A)\n" 1000 0.002 0.001
let loop : : steps 1000
      : = 0 steps
        . world
        d20-diffuse world neighbors 0.002
        d20-advect world advection-directions 0.001
        display : d20-as-text world
        d20-cursor-up-text world
        loop : 1- steps
display : d20-as-text world