; !#

;; This file might need to be licensed permissively for inclusion in
;; an SRFI. Only change it, if you agree to this possible relicensing
;; of your contribution to this file. I will not accept changes here
;; which do not allow that.

; we need to be able to replace end-of-line characters in brackets and strings

;; nostringandbracketbreaks INPORT
;; Replace linebreaks within brackets and strings in the INPORT by the
;; placeholders \LINE_BREAK_N and \LINE_BREAK_R. Also identify
;; real comments as ;\REALCOMMENTHERE
;; bootstrap via python3 wisp.py wisp-guile.w > 1 && guile 1 wisp-guile.w > 2 && guile 2 wisp-guile.w > 3 && diff 2 3
;; -Author: Arne Babenhauserheide

define-module : wisp
   . #:export : wisp2lisp wisp-chunkreader

    : srfi srfi-1
    : ice-9 regex

define : endsinunevenbackslashes text ; comment
       if : = 0 : string-length text
           . #f
           let counter
               : last : string-take-right text 1
                 rest : string-append " " : string-drop-right text 1
                 count 0
                   : = 0 : string-length rest ; end clause: read all
                     odd? count
                   ; end clause: no \ 
                   : not : equal? last : string #\\
                     odd? count
                     counter (string-take-right rest 1) (string-drop-right rest 1) (+ 1 count)

define : nostringandbracketbreaks inport
    . "Replace all linebreaks inside strings and brackets with placeholders."
    let : : expressions : list : nostringandbracketbreaksreader inport
        while : not : eof-object? : peek-char inport
            set! expressions : append expressions : list : nostringandbracketbreaksreader inport
        string-join expressions "\n"

define : nostringandbracketbreaksreader inport
    . "Read one wisp-expression from the inport. 
Ends with three consecutive linebreaks or eof."
    ; Replace end of line characters in brackets and strings
    ; FIXME: Breaks if the string is shorter than 2 chars
    ; FIXME: Breaks if the text begins with a comment.
__      : lastchar : read-char inport
____      nextchar : read-char inport
____      text : if (eof-object? lastchar) "" : string lastchar
          incomment #f
          incommentfirstchar #f ; first char of a comment
          instring #f
          inbrackets 0
          incharform 0 ; #\<something>
                or : eof-object? nextchar
                         or (char=? nextchar #\newline ) (char=? nextchar #\return ) 
                         or (char=? lastchar #\newline ) (char=? lastchar #\return ) 
                         string-suffix? "\n\n" text ; text includes lastchar
            ; incommentfirstchar is only valid for exactly one char
            when incommentfirstchar : set! incommentfirstchar #f 
            ; but add incommentfirstchar if we just started the text
            when : equal? text ";" ; initial comment
                 set! incommentfirstchar #f
                 set! incomment #t
                 set! text : string-append text "\\REALCOMMENTHERE"
            ; already started char forms win over everything, so process them first.
            ; already started means: after the #\
            ; FIXME: Fails to capture #t and #f which can kill line splitting if it happens inside brackets
            when : = incharform 1
                when : not : and (char=? lastchar #\# ) : or (char=? #\f nextchar) (char=? #\t nextchar)
                    ; format #t "1: set incharform 0: lastchar ~a nextchar ~a instring ~a incomment ~a incharform ~a" lastchar nextchar instring incomment incharform
                    ; newline
                    set! incharform 0
            when : >= incharform 2
                if : or (char=? nextchar #\space) (char=? 
                                nextchar #\newline ) (char=? nextchar #\return ) 
                       ; format #t "2: set incharform 0: lastchar ~a nextchar ~a instring ~a incomment ~a incharform ~a" lastchar nextchar instring incomment incharform
                       ; newline
                       set! incharform 0
                   ; else
                   set! incharform : + incharform 1
            ; check if we switch to a string: last char is space, linebreak or in a string, not in a charform, not in a comment
                     char=? nextchar #\"
                     not incomment
                     < incharform 1
                            . instring  ; when I’m in a string, I can get out
                                not : char=? lastchar #\\ ; if the last char is not a backslash (escaped quote)
                                ; or the last char is a backslash preceded by an uneven number of backslashes (so the backslash is actually an escaped backslash)
                                and : char=? lastchar #\\
                                      ; not : equal? #f : string-match "\\([^\\]\\)+\\(\\\\\\\\\\)*[\\]$" text ; matches [^\](\\)*\$ - non-backslash + arbitrary number of pairs of backslashes + final backslash which undoes the escaping from the lastchar (by actually escaping the lastchar)
                                      endsinunevenbackslashes text
                        char=? lastchar #\space ; when the last char was a space, I can get into a string
                        char=? lastchar #\newline ; same for newline chars
                        char=? lastchar #\return 
                        and : not instring ; outside of strings, brackets are pseudo-whitespace, too
                                char=? lastchar #\( 
                                char=? lastchar #\)
                                char=? lastchar #\[ 
                                char=? lastchar #\]
                                ; TODO: Only match for braces {} if curly infix is enabled
                                char=? lastchar #\{ 
                                char=? lastchar #\}
                set! instring : not instring
            ; check if we switch to a comment
                     ; FIXME: this should be
                     ; char=? nextchar #\;
                     equal? ";" : string nextchar
                     not incomment
                     not instring
                     < incharform 2
                set! incomment #t
                set! incommentfirstchar #t
                ; this also closes any potential charform
                set! incharform 0
                and incomment
                        char=? nextchar #\return
                        char=? nextchar #\newline
                set! incomment #f
            ; check for the beginning of a charform
                    not instring
                    not incomment
                    char=? lastchar #\space
                    char=? nextchar #\#
                set! incharform 1
            ; check whether a charform is continued
                     = incharform 1
                     char=? lastchar #\#
                     char=? nextchar #\\
                set! incharform 2
            ; check for brackets 
            ; FIXME: This only fixes a single linebreak inside parens, but if a second occurs on the same line it breaks. I do not know why. Maybe something with having lastchar as linebreak.
            when : not : or instring incomment
                        not : string-suffix? text "#"
                        not : char=? #\\ lastchar
                        not : endsinunevenbackslashes : string-drop-right text : min 1 : string-length text
                    ; TODO: Only match for braces {} if curly infix is enabled
                    ; FIXME: Catch wrong ordering of parens/brackets/braces like ({)}
                    when : or (equal? "[" (string nextchar)) (equal? "(" (string nextchar)) (equal? "{" (string nextchar))
                        set! inbrackets : + inbrackets 1
                    when : or (equal? "}" (string nextchar)) (equal? ")" (string nextchar)) (equal? "]" (string nextchar))
                        set! inbrackets : - inbrackets 1
            if : or instring : > inbrackets 0
                if : char=? nextchar #\newline
                    ; we have to actually construct the escape
                    ; sequence here to be able to parse ourselves.
                    set! text : string-append text : string-append "\\LINE_" "BREAK_N"
                    if : char=? nextchar #\return
                        set! text : string-append text : string-append "\\LINE_" "BREAK_R"
                        ; else
                        set! text : string-append text : string nextchar
                ; mark the start of a comment, so we do not have to
                ; repeat the string matching in later code. We include
                ; the comment character!
                ; not (instring or inbrackets) = neither instring nor inbrackets
                if incommentfirstchar
                    set! text : string-append text ( string nextchar ) "\\REALCOMMENTHERE"
                    ; when not in brackets or string or starting a
                    ; comment: just append the char
                    set! text : string-append text : string nextchar

            set! lastchar nextchar
            set! nextchar : read-char inport
        ; return the text
        . text

; As next part we have split a text into a list of lines which we can process one by one.
define : splitlines inport 
        : lines '()
          nextchar : read-char inport
          nextline ""
        while : not : eof-object? nextchar
            if : not : or (char=? nextchar #\return ) (char=? nextchar #\newline )
                set! nextline : string-append nextline : string nextchar
                    set! lines : append lines (list nextline)
                    set! nextline ""
            set! nextchar : read-char inport
        append lines : list nextline

define : line-indent line
    list-ref line 0

define : line-content line
    list-ref line 1

define : line-comment line
    list-ref line 2

define : line-continues? line
    . "Check whether the line is a continuation of a previous line (should not start with a bracket)."
    if : equal? #f : line-content line
        . #f ; this is the EOF line. It does not continue (to ensure that the last brackets get closed)
        string-prefix? ". " : line-content line

define : line-empty-code? line
    . "Check whether the code-part of the line is empty: contains only whitespace and/or comment."
    equal? "" : line-content line

define : line-only-colon? line
    . "Check whether the line content consists only of a colon and whitespace."
    equal? ":" : string-trim-right : line-content line

define : line-only-prefix? line prefix
    . "Check whether the line content consists only of a given prefix and whitespace."
    equal? prefix : string-trim-right : line-content line

define : line-merge-comment line
    . "Merge comment and content into the content. Return the new line."
        : indent : line-indent line
          content : line-content line
          comment : line-comment line
        if : equal? "" comment
            . line ; no change needed
            list indent : string-append content ";" comment
                . ""

; skip the leading indentation
define : skipindent inport
    let skipper
        : inunderbars #t
          indent 0
          nextchar : read-char inport
        ; when the file ends, do not do anything else
        if : not : eof-object? nextchar 
            ; skip underbars
            if inunderbars
                if : char=? nextchar #\_ ; still in underbars?
                        . #t ; still in underbars?
                        + indent 1
                        read-char inport
                    ; else, reevaluate without inunderbars
                    skipper #f indent nextchar
                ; else: skip remaining spaces
                if : char=? nextchar #\space
                        . #f
                        + indent 1
                        read-char inport
                        unread-char nextchar inport
                        . indent
            . indent

; Now we have to split a single line into indentation, content and comment.
define : splitindent inport
        : indent : skipindent inport
            : nextchar : read-char inport
              inindent #t ; it always begins in indent
              incomment #f ; but not in a comment
              commentstart #f
              commentstartidentifier "\\REALCOMMENTHERE"
              commentstartidentifierlength 16
              commentidentifierindex 0
              content ""
              comment ""
            while : not : eof-object? nextchar
                ; check whether we leave the content
                ; FIXME: (wisp.py) the reader cuts the ; here, when I write it as this:
                ; when : and ( not incomment ) : char=? nextchar #\; 
                ; FIXME: THIS mistreats #\; as comment! (shown 4 lines after this comment…)
                        not incomment
                        ; FIXME: this should be but would break
                        ; char=? nextchar #\;
                        equal?  ";" : string nextchar
                        not : string-suffix? ( string #\# #\\ ) content
                    set! commentstart #t
                    set! comment : string-append comment : string nextchar
                    set! nextchar : read-char inport
                ; check whether we stay in the commentcheck
                when : and commentstart : char=? nextchar : string-ref commentstartidentifier commentidentifierindex

                    set! commentidentifierindex : + commentidentifierindex 1
                    set! comment : string-append comment : string nextchar
                    when : = commentidentifierindex commentstartidentifierlength
                        set! commentstart #f
                        set! incomment #t
                        ; reset used variables
                        set! commentidentifierindex 0
                        set! comment ""
                    set! nextchar : read-char inport
                ; if we cannot complete the commentcheck, we did not start a real comment. Append it to the content
                when : and commentstart : not : char=? nextchar : string-ref commentstartidentifier commentidentifierindex
                    set! commentstart #f
                    set! content : string-append content comment : string nextchar
                    set! comment ""
                    set! commentidentifierindex 0
                    set! nextchar : read-char inport
                ; if we are in the comment, just append to the comment
                when incomment
                    set! comment : string-append comment : string nextchar
                    set! nextchar : read-char inport
                ; if nothing else is true, we are in the content
                set! content : string-append content : string nextchar
                set! nextchar : read-char inport
            when commentstart 
                set! content : string-append content comment
                set! comment ""
            ; return the indentation, the content and the comment
            list indent content comment

; Now use the function to split a list of lines
define : linestoindented lines
    let splitter
        : unprocessed lines
          processed '()
        if : equal? unprocessed '()
            . processed
            ; else: let-recursion
                list-tail unprocessed 1
                append processed 
                            list-ref unprocessed 0
                            . splitindent

define : read-whole-file filename
    let : : origfile : open-file filename "r"
        let reader 
            : text ""
              nextchar : read-char origfile
            if : eof-object? nextchar
                . text
                    string-append text : string nextchar
                    read-char origfile

define : wisp2lisp-add-inline-colon-brackets line
    . "Add inline colon brackets to a wisp-line (indent,content,comment).

A line with only a colon and whitespace gets no additional parens!

Also unescape \\: to :.
    ; if the line only consists of a colon and whitespace, do not change it.
    if : line-only-colon? line
      . line
      let : : content : line-content line
          ; replace final " :" by a function call. There we are by definition of the line-splitting not in a string.
          when : string-suffix? " :" content
              set! content : string-append (string-drop-right content 1) "()"
          ; process the content in reverse direction, so we can detect ' : and turn it into '(
          ; let linebracketizer ( ( instring #f ) ( inbrackets 0 ) ( bracketstoadd 0 ) ( unprocessed content ) ( processed "" ) ) 
          let linebracketizer : ( instring #f ) ( inbrackets 0 ) ( bracketstoadd 0 ) ( unprocessed content ) ( processed "" ) 
                if : < (string-length unprocessed) 2
                    ; if unprocessed is < 2 chars, it cannot contain ": ". We are done.
                        line-indent line
                        string-append unprocessed processed : xsubstring ")" 0 bracketstoadd
                        line-comment line
                    ; else
                        : lastletter : string-take-right unprocessed 1
                          lastupto3  : string-take-right unprocessed : min 3 : string-length unprocessed
                          lastupto4  : string-take-right unprocessed : min 4 : string-length unprocessed
                          lastupto6  : string-take-right unprocessed : min 6 : string-length unprocessed
                        ; check if we’re in a string
                                    not instring
                                    equal? "\"" lastletter
                                    not : equal? "#\\\"" lastupto3
                                    . instring
                                    equal? "\"" lastletter
                                    not : endsinunevenbackslashes : string-drop-right unprocessed 1
                            set! instring : not instring
                        when : not instring
                                    ; TODO: Only match for braces {} if curly infix is enabled
                                    ; FIXME: Catch wrong ordering of parens/brackets/braces like ({)}
                                    and (equal? "{" lastletter) : not : equal? "#\\{" lastupto3
                                    and (equal? "[" lastletter) : not : equal? "#\\[" lastupto3
                                    and (equal? "(" lastletter) : not : equal? "#\\(" lastupto3
                                set! inbrackets : - inbrackets 1
                                    and (equal? ")" lastletter) : not : equal? "#\\)" lastupto3
                                    and (equal? "]" lastletter) : not : equal? "#\\]" lastupto3
                                    and (equal? "}" lastletter) : not : equal? "#\\}" lastupto3
                                set! inbrackets : + 1 inbrackets ; remember that we're going backwards!
                        ; error handling: inbrackets must never be smaller than 0 - due to the line splitting.
                        when : < inbrackets 0
                            throw 'more-inline-brackets-closed-than-opened inbrackets line
                        ; when we’re in a string or in brackets , just skip to the next char
                          : or instring : > inbrackets 0
                            linebracketizer instring inbrackets bracketstoadd 
                                . : string-drop-right unprocessed 1
                                . : string-append lastletter processed
                            ; else check for " : ": That adds a new inline bracket
                            ; support : at the beginning of a line, too.
                          : or (equal? " : "  lastupto3) (equal? ": " lastupto3)
                                ; replace the last 2 chars with "(" and note
                                ; that we need an additional closing bracket
                                ; at the end.
                                linebracketizer instring inbrackets : + 1 bracketstoadd 
                                    string-append (string-drop-right unprocessed 2) 
                                    string-append "(" processed
                                ; turn " ' (" into " '(", do not modify unprocessed, except to shorten it!
                                ; same for ` , #' #` #, #,@,
                          : and (string-prefix? "(" processed) : equal? " ' " lastupto3
                                    ; leave out the second space
                                    linebracketizer instring inbrackets bracketstoadd 
                                        . (string-append (string-drop-right unprocessed 2) "'")
                                        . processed
                          : and (string-prefix? "(" processed) : equal? " , " lastupto3
                                    ; leave out the second space
                                    linebracketizer instring inbrackets bracketstoadd 
                                        . (string-append (string-drop-right unprocessed 2) ",")
                                        . processed
                          : and (string-prefix? "(" processed) : equal? " ` " lastupto3
                                        ; leave out the second space
                                        linebracketizer instring inbrackets bracketstoadd 
                                            . (string-append (string-drop-right unprocessed 2) "`")
                                            . processed
                          : and (string-prefix? "(" processed) : equal? " #` " lastupto4
                                        ; leave out the second space
                                        linebracketizer instring inbrackets bracketstoadd 
                                            . (string-append (string-drop-right unprocessed 3) "#`")
                                            . processed
                          : and (string-prefix? "(" processed) : equal? " #' " lastupto4
                                        ; leave out the second space
                                        linebracketizer instring inbrackets bracketstoadd 
                                            . (string-append (string-drop-right unprocessed 3) "#'")
                                            . processed
                          : and (string-prefix? "(" processed) : equal? " #, " lastupto4
                                        ; leave out the second space
                                        linebracketizer instring inbrackets bracketstoadd 
                                            . (string-append (string-drop-right unprocessed 3) "#,")
                                            . processed
                          : and (string-prefix? "(" processed) : equal? " #,@, " lastupto6
                                        ; leave out the second space
                                        linebracketizer instring inbrackets bracketstoadd 
                                            . (string-append (string-drop-right unprocessed 5) "#,@,")
                                            . processed
                          else ; just go on
                                        linebracketizer instring inbrackets bracketstoadd 
                                            . (string-drop-right unprocessed 1)
                                            . (string-append lastletter processed)

define : last-indent levels
    . "Retrieve the indentation of the last line: Simply the highest level."
    list-ref levels 0

define : line-add-starting-bracket line
    . "Add a starting bracket to the line, if it is no continuation line (it is more indented than the previous).

If line starts with one of ' , ` #` #' #, #,@, then turn it into '(... instead of ('...

If line is indented and only contains : and optional whitespace, remove the :.

The line *must* have a whitespace after the prefix, except if the prefix is the only non-whitespace on the line."
    ; if the line only contains a colon, we just replace its content with an opening paren.
    if : line-only-colon? line ; FIXME: Check for this somewhere else.
             line-indent line
             string-append "(" : string-drop (line-content line) 1 ; keep whitespace
             line-comment line
         let loop : : paren-prefixes : list "' " ", " "` " "#` " "#' " "#, " "#,@, "
             ; first check whether we are done checking
             if : null-list? paren-prefixes
                 ; construct the line structure: '(indentation-depth content comment)
                     line-indent line
                         . "("
                         line-content line
                     line-comment line
                 ; otherwise check all possible prefixes
                     : prefix : car paren-prefixes
                       prefix-no-space : string-drop-right prefix 1
                         : string-prefix? prefix : line-content line
                               line-indent line
                                   . prefix-no-space "("
                                   string-drop (line-content line) : string-length prefix
                               line-comment line
                         : line-only-prefix? line prefix-no-space
                               line-indent line
                                   . (string-drop-right prefix 1) "("
                                   string-drop (line-content line) : string-length prefix-no-space
                               line-comment line
                           loop : cdr paren-prefixes
define : line-add-closing-brackets line number
    . "Add a closing bracket to the line."
        line-indent line
            line-content line
            xsubstring ")" 0 number
        line-comment line

define : line-indent-brackets-to-close line-indent levels line-continues prev-continues
    . "Find the number of brackets to close to reduce the levels to the line-indent."
    ; adjust the levels until the highest indentation level is equal
    ; to the indentation of the next line. Then check for
    ; continuation.
    let closer : (bracketstoclose 0) (rest levels)
        let : : highest-level : list-ref rest 0
            ; finish-condition
            if : = line-indent highest-level
                if prev-continues
                    . bracketstoclose
                    + 1 bracketstoclose
                if : > line-indent highest-level
                    closer (- bracketstoclose 1) : append (list line-indent) rest 
                    closer (+ bracketstoclose 1) : list-tail rest 1

define : line-indent-brackets-to-open line-indent levels line-continues prev-continues
    . "Find the number of brackets to open to fit the line-indent and continuation marker."
    if line-continues 
        . 0
        . 1

define : line-indent-levels-adjust levels next-indent
       . "Add or remove levels so the highest remaining level matches next-indent."
       let adjuster : (lev levels)
           let : : highest-level : list-ref lev 0
               if : = next-indent highest-level
                   . lev
                   if : > next-indent highest-level
                       append (list next-indent) lev
                       adjuster : list-tail lev 1

define : line-drop-continuation-dot line
       let : : content : line-content line
               line-indent line
               if : line-continues? line
                   string-drop content 2
                   . content
               line-comment line 

define : wisp2lisp-parse lisp prev lines
    . "Parse the body of the wisp-code."
    set! prev : wisp2lisp-add-inline-colon-brackets prev ; prev already is a code-line.
    if : not : or (line-continues? prev) (line-empty-code? prev)
        set! prev : line-add-starting-bracket prev
    set! lines : map-in-order wisp2lisp-add-inline-colon-brackets lines
    let bracketizer : (levels '(0)) (pre prev) (unprocessed lines) (processed lisp) (whitespace '())
        ; levels is the list of levels, with the lowest to the right. i.e: '(12 8 4 0)
        ; once we processed everything, we pass the bracketizer pre as f one last time
        if : equal? #f : line-content pre
            . processed
            let : : next : if (equal? unprocessed '()) (list 0 #f #f) : list-ref unprocessed 0 ; this is the break condition for the next loop!
                if : line-empty-code? next ; empty lines get silently added, but otherwise ignored
                    bracketizer levels pre 
                         list-tail unprocessed 1
                         . processed 
                         append whitespace : list next
                    ; firstoff add the next indent to the levels, so we only work on the levels, prev-continues, next-continues and next-indent
                    ; if pre was a continuation, the real levels are 1 lower than the counted levels
                        : next-indent : line-indent next
                          pre-indent : line-indent pre
                          pre-continues : line-continues? pre
                          next-continues : line-continues? next
                          final-line : equal? #f : line-content next
                          bracketstocloseprev : if (line-empty-code? pre) 0 : line-indent-brackets-to-close next-indent levels next-continues pre-continues
                          bracketstoopennext : line-indent-brackets-to-open next-indent levels next-continues pre-continues
                          newnext : if final-line next : if (> bracketstoopennext 0) (line-add-starting-bracket next) next
                          newpre : line-drop-continuation-dot : line-add-closing-brackets pre bracketstocloseprev
                          newlevels : line-indent-levels-adjust levels next-indent
                        bracketizer newlevels newnext 
                            if final-line unprocessed : list-tail unprocessed 1
                            append processed (list newpre) whitespace

define : wisp2lisp-initial-comments lisp prev lines
     . "Keep all starting comments: do not start them with a bracket."
     let skip-initial-comments : (lisp lisp) (prev prev) (lines lines)
         if : = 0 : length lines ; file only contained comments, maybe including the hashbang
             list lisp prev lines
             if : line-empty-code? prev
                 skip-initial-comments : append lisp : list prev
                     . (list-ref lines 0) (list-tail lines 1)
                 list lisp prev lines

define : wisp2lisp-hashbang lisp prev unprocessed
     . "Parse a potential initial hashbang line."
             equal? lisp '() ; really the first line
             equal? 0 : line-indent prev
             string-prefix? "#!" : line-content prev
         wisp2lisp-hashbang : append lisp : list : line-merge-comment prev
             . (list-ref unprocessed 0) (list-tail unprocessed 1)
         list lisp prev unprocessed

define : wisp2lisp-lines lines
     . "Parse indentation in the lines to add the correct brackets."
     if : equal? lines '()
         . '()
             : lisp '() ; the processed lines
               prev : list-ref lines 0 ; the last line
               unprocessed : list-tail lines 1 ; obvious :)
                 : hashbanged : wisp2lisp-hashbang lisp prev unprocessed
                   deinitialized : apply wisp2lisp-initial-comments hashbanged
                   parsed : apply wisp2lisp-parse deinitialized
                 . parsed

define : line-unescape-underscore-and-colon line
     . "Unescape underscores at the beginning of the line and colon."
     let loop
       : processed ""
         unprocessed : line-content line
       if : equal? "" unprocessed
              line-indent line
              . processed
              line-comment line
              : next : string : string-ref unprocessed 0
              if : equal? "" processed 
                     ; get rid of \_
                     : string-prefix? "(\\_" unprocessed
                       loop processed : string-append "(" : string-drop unprocessed 2
                     ; get rid of \:
                     : string-prefix? "(\\:" unprocessed
                       loop processed : string-append "(" : string-drop unprocessed 2
                     ; get rid of . \:
                     : string-prefix? "\\:" unprocessed
                       loop processed : string-drop unprocessed 1
                         string-append processed next
                         string-drop unprocessed 1
                     : string-prefix? " \\:" unprocessed
                         string-append processed " :" 
                         string-drop unprocessed 3
                     : string-prefix? "(\\:" unprocessed
                         string-append processed "(:" 
                         string-drop unprocessed 3
                         string-append processed next
                         string-drop unprocessed 1

define : unescape-underscore-and-colon lines
     . "Unescape underscores at the beginning of each line and colon."
     let loop 
       : processed '()
         unprocessed lines
       if : equal? unprocessed '()
          . processed
          let : : current : car unprocessed
              append processed : list : line-unescape-underscore-and-colon current
              cdr unprocessed

define* : string-replace-substring s substr replacement #:optional (start 0) (end (string-length s))
       . "Replace every instance of substring in s by replacement."
       let : : substr-length : string-length substr
          if : zero? substr-length
             error "string-replace-substring: empty substr"
             let loop 
                 : start start
                   pieces : list : substring s 0 start
                 let : : idx : string-contains s substr start end
                   if idx
                     loop : + idx substr-length
                           cons* replacement
                                  substring s start idx
                                  . pieces
                                                cons : substring s start
                                                    . pieces

define : unescape-linebreaks text
       . "unescape linebreaks"
           ; we have to construct the placeholders here to avoid unescaping them when we parse ourselves…
           string-replace-substring text (string-append "\\LINE_" "BREAK_N") : string #\newline
           string-append "\\LINE_" "BREAK_R"
           string #\return 

define : unescape-comments text
       . "unescape comments"
       string-replace-substring text
           ; we have to construct the placeholders here to avoid unescaping them when we parse ourselves…
           string-append ";" "\\REALCOMMENTHERE"
           . ";"

define : wisp-chunkreader inport
    . "Read one wisp-expression from inport, without escaping of fake newlines but with correct detection of real new lines.
    Realized by reading with newline and comment escaping and unescaping both again after reading."
            nostringandbracketbreaksreader inport

define : join-lisp-lines lisp-lines
    let join : (joined "") (unprocessed lisp-lines)
         if : not : equal? unprocessed '()
                 : next : list-ref unprocessed 0
                           xsubstring " " 0 : line-indent next
                           ; here we re-add all necessary linebreakswe get rid 
                           unescape-linebreaks : line-content next
                           if : equal? "" : line-comment next 
                               . ""
                               string-append ";" : line-comment next
                           . "\n"
                 join  (string-append joined nextstring) (list-tail unprocessed 1)
             . joined

define : wisp2lisp text 
           : nobreaks : call-with-input-string text nostringandbracketbreaks
             textlines : call-with-input-string nobreaks splitlines
             lines : linestoindented textlines
             lisp-lines : wisp2lisp-lines lines
             clean-lines : unescape-underscore-and-colon lisp-lines
           join-lisp-lines clean-lines

 ; first step: Be able to mirror a file to stdout
if : < 1 : length : command-line
         : filename : list-ref ( command-line ) 1
           text : read-whole-file filename
           ; Lines consist of lines with indent, content and comment. See
           ; line-indent, line-content, line-comment and the other
           ; line-functions for details.
           ; textlines : split-wisp-lines text
           ; lines : linestoindented textlines
           lisp : wisp2lisp text
         display lisp
    . #f