Advent of Wisp Code 2021
Taking part in the advent of code to relax as much as I find time to do. I’ll use Wisp.
Check the RSS-Feed to get informed when I solve puzzles.
I take them up with delay, because I work during the day and have family.
Licenses: cc by-sa for image and text, AGPLv3 or later for the code.

Day 1, puzzle 1: Sweep the deep
Count how often the depths of the ocean increases.
import : srfi :1 lists srfi :9 records define example-input ' : 199 200 208 210 200 207 240 269 260 263 ;; aggregate using a two number window. define : count-larger current next count + count : if {next > current} 1 0 display fold count-larger 0 ;; dropping the first element of the second list ;; this shifts the second element in count-larger by 1 => next . example-input drop example-input 1
For the real calculation, I plugged in the input via define input '(...)
Hacky but quick.
Day 1, puzzle 2: Sweep the deep averages
Count how often the three element moving sum of the depth increases.
import : srfi :1 lists srfi :9 records define example-input ' : 199 200 208 210 200 207 240 269 260 263 ;; aggregate using a 4 number window. define : count-larger n0 n1 n2 n3 count + count : if {(+ n1 n2 n3) > (+ n0 n1 n2)} 1 0 display fold count-larger 0 . example-input drop example-input 1 drop example-input 2 drop example-input 3
I’m not fully happy with this code — it is longer and more complex than I’d like it to be. But it solves the problem. For a quick fix it is OK, and the adaption from puzzle 1 to puzzle 2 was easy, which is a good sign.
Day 2, Puzzle 1: Pilot the submarine
Read instructions to find the position when following them.
These look like wisp: I’m trying to turn them into code.
The input is now written to a file:
forward 5 down 5 forward 8 up 3 down 8 forward 2
define horizontal 0 define vertical 0 define-syntax-rule : inc var steps set! var {var + steps} define-syntax-rule : dec var steps set! var {var - steps} define (forward steps) : inc horizontal steps define (down steps) : inc vertical steps define (up steps) : dec vertical steps ;; load the input as code ;; load "advent-of-wisp-code-2021-d2p1-real-input.w" load "advent-of-wisp-code-2021-d2p1-example-input.w" display {horizontal * vertical}
Day 2, Puzzle 2: Aim the submarine
The input is the same, but the code is different.
define aim 0 define horizontal 0 define vertical 0 define-syntax-rule : inc var steps set! var {var + steps} define-syntax-rule : dec var steps set! var {var - steps} ;; the commands and the presence of aim are all that changes: define (forward steps) inc horizontal steps inc vertical {aim * steps} define (down steps) : inc aim steps define (up steps) : dec aim steps ;; load the input as code ;; load "advent-of-wisp-code-2021-d2p1-real-input.w" load "advent-of-wisp-code-2021-d2p1-example-input.w" display {horizontal * vertical}
I actually like this code quite a bit, and adjusting it from puzzle 1 to puzzle 2 was a breeze. It’s still a hack, though …
Update: simple shell-script
While the previous version is kind of a hack (but one that uses a method I actually use to write games), it would be an even funnier hack to replace the auto-pilot with a simple shell script.
export AIM=0 export HORIZONTAL=0 export VERTICAL=0 function inc() { export ${1}=$((${1} + ${2})) } function dec() { export ${1}=$((${1} - ${2})) } function forward () { inc HORIZONTAL ${1} inc VERTICAL $((${AIM} * ${1})) } function down () { inc AIM ${1} } function up () { dec AIM ${1} } source "advent-of-wisp-code-2021-d2p1-example-input.w" echo $(($HORIZONTAL * $VERTICAL))
Would you bet your life on it? :-)
Day 3, Puzzle 1: Diagnose a Dive
Calculate the most common bit in each position. The resulting bits give the diagnostic number γ. Using least common bit gives ε.
Example Input:
00100 11110 10110 10111 10101 01111 00111 11100 10000 11001 00010 01010
First define a helper function that was re-used a lot later:
. This receives a function and a filename and applies
the function to every line read from the file.
;; snippet: {{{map-over-lines}}} import : only (ice-9 rdelim) read-line define : map-over-lines fun filename let : : port : open-input-file filename let loop : (lines '()) (line (read-line port)) if : eof-object? line begin close port reverse! lines loop cons : fun line . lines read-line port
Also for both tasks of day 3, I need base2 tools:
;; snippet: {{{base2-functions}}} define : base2->number str . "read binary: a base2 number." string->number str 2 define : numbers->string list-of-numbers string-join map number->string list-of-numbers . "" define : numbers->decimal list-of-numbers base2->number numbers->string list-of-numbers define : split-line-into-numbers line map string->number : map string : string->list line
Now the actual solution:
import : only (ice-9 rdelim) read-line {{{map-over-lines}}} {{{base2-functions}}} define input map-over-lines split-line-into-numbers . "advent-of-wisp-code-2021-d3p1-example-input.dat" define len/2 {(length input) / 2} define most-common map : λ(x) : if {x > len/2} #\1 #\0 apply map + input define least-common map : λ(x) : if (equal? x #\1) #\0 #\1 . most-common define γ : base2->number : apply string most-common define ε : base2->number : apply string least-common display {γ * ε}
This is more complex than I’d like it to be. The most important missing piece in Scheme to simplify this code is “read all lines”.
Day 3, Puzzle 2: Diagnose for Life
Filter the numbers bit by bit, keeping only those where the bit in the given position is the most common bit. If only one number remains, that’s the result.
import : only (ice-9 rdelim) read-line srfi :9 records only (srfi :26) cut ;; using map-over-lines again, this will be used many times over {{{map-over-lines}}} ;; base2->number, numbers->string and numbers->decimal {{{base2-functions}}} define input map-over-lines split-line-into-numbers . "advent-of-wisp-code-2021-d3p1-example-input.dat" ;; most- and least-common as functions to use as aggregator define : most-common input len/2 map : λ(x) : if {x >= len/2} 1 0 apply map + input define : least-common input len/2 map : λ(x) : if {x >= len/2} 0 1 apply map + input define : filt input aggregator bitindex define len/2 {(length input) / 2} define aggregated : aggregator input len/2 define : matches pattern bitindex equal? : list-ref pattern bitindex list-ref aggregated bitindex filter : cut matches <> bitindex . input define : select aggregator let loop : (input (filt input aggregator 0)) (next-bitindex 1) if : = 1 : length input car input loop : filt input aggregator next-bitindex + next-bitindex 1 define oxygen : select most-common define co2scrub : select least-common display * : numbers->decimal oxygen numbers->decimal co2scrub
Day 4, Puzzle 1: Cheat the Squid
A squid attached to the ship. I need to cheat it in Bingo.
Known numbers that will be drawn, and bingo boards:
7,4,9,5,11,17,23,2,0,14,21,24,10,16,13,6,15,25,12,22,18,20,8,19,3,26,1 22 13 17 11 0 8 2 23 4 24 21 9 14 16 7 6 10 3 18 5 1 12 20 15 19 3 15 0 2 22 9 18 13 17 5 19 8 7 25 23 20 11 10 24 4 14 21 16 12 6 14 21 17 24 4 10 16 15 9 19 18 8 23 26 20 22 11 13 6 5 2 0 12 3 7
Both solutions of this day need to read the bingo board:
;; snippet: {{{bingo-board}}} define-record-type <bingo> make-bingo numbers boards . bingo? numbers bingo-numbers bingo-numbers-set! boards bingo-boards bingo-boards-set! define : split-bingo-line line if : eof-object? line list map string->number : delete "" : string-split line #\space define bingo let : : port : open-input-file "advent-of-wisp-code-2021-d4p1-example-input.dat" define numbers : map string->number : string-split (read-line port) #\, ;; skip separator line read-line port define boards let read-board : (boards '()) if : eof-object? : peek-char port reverse boards read-board cons let loop : (board '()) (line (split-bingo-line (read-line port))) if : null? line reverse board loop : cons line board split-bingo-line : read-line port . boards close port make-bingo numbers boards define : play-number number board map : λ(x) (map (λ(y) (if (equal? number y) #f y)) x) . board define : board-won? board define : row-won? row every not row if ;; force explicit #t or #f or member #t : map row-won? board member #t : apply map (λ(. x) (row-won? x)) board . #t #f
On day one I want to win:
To cheat the squid, I need to find the sum of all the unmarked fields in the winning board (the first to have one fully marked row or column).
Then multiply it with the winning number to get the result.
import : only (ice-9 rdelim) read-line srfi :9 records only (srfi :26) cut only (srfi :1) every fold list-index {{{bingo-board}}} display let loop : (boards (bingo-boards bingo)) (numbers (bingo-numbers bingo)) define played : map (cut play-number (car numbers) <>) boards define result : map board-won? played cond : null? numbers . #f : member #t result let : : winner : list-ref played : list-index (λ(x) x) result * : car numbers apply + : apply map (λ(. x) (apply + (delete #f x))) winner else loop played cdr numbers
Day 4, Puzzle 2: Let the squid win
A squid attached to the ship. I need to let it win in Bingo. For sure. So I take the board that wins last.
Need to find the sum of all the unmarked fields in the winning board (the first to have one fully marked row or column).
Multiply it with the winning number.
import : only (ice-9 rdelim) read-line srfi :9 records only (srfi :26) cut only (srfi :1) every fold list-index remove {{{bingo-board}}} display let loop : (boards (bingo-boards bingo)) (numbers (bingo-numbers bingo)) define played : map (cut play-number (car numbers) <>) boards define result : map board-won? played cond : null? numbers . #f : every (cut equal? <> #t) result ;; choose the first of the last winners let : : winner : list-ref played 0 * : car numbers apply + : apply map (λ(. x) (apply + (delete #f x))) winner else loop : remove board-won? played cdr numbers
The adjustment worked very well: the only changes are in the final let loop:
- replace
loop played
byloop : remove board-won? played
and - replace
member #t result
byevery (cut equal? <> #t) result
and - always take the first of the last winners.
Day 5, Puzzle 1: Sidestep the vents
Draw lines and find meeting points.
0,9 -> 5,9 8,0 -> 0,8 9,4 -> 3,4 2,2 -> 2,1 7,0 -> 7,4 6,4 -> 2,0 0,9 -> 2,9 3,4 -> 1,4 0,0 -> 8,8 5,5 -> 8,2
import : only (ice-9 rdelim) read-line only (srfi :26) cut only (srfi :1) fold ice-9 hash-table define : pixels-for-line x0 y0 x1 y1 cond ;; only vertical and orthogonal lines {y0 = y1} map (cut cons <> y0) if {x0 < x1} : iota (+ 1 {x1 - x0}) x0 iota (+ 1 {x0 - x1}) x1 {x0 = x1} map (cut cons x0 <>) if {y0 < y1} : iota (+ 1 {y1 - y0}) y0 iota (+ 1 {y0 - y1}) y1 else '() define : line-coordinates line map string->number : string-tokenize line char-set:digit define : hash-add1 key al hash-set! al key : + 1 : hash-ref al key 0 . al define port : open-input-file "" display hash-count : λ(key value) {value >= 2} let loop : : coordinates : make-hash-table define line : read-line port if : eof-object? line . coordinates loop fold hash-add1 coordinates apply pixels-for-line : line-coordinates line
Day 5, Puzzle 2: Sidestep the vents diagonally
Draw lines and find meeting points.
import : only (ice-9 rdelim) read-line only (srfi :26) cut only (srfi :1) fold ice-9 hash-table define : pixels-for-line x0 y0 x1 y1 cond ;; only vertical and orthogonal lines {y0 = y1} map (cut cons <> y0) if {x0 < x1} : iota (+ 1 {x1 - x0}) x0 iota (+ 1 {x0 - x1}) x1 {x0 = x1} map (cut cons x0 <>) if {y0 < y1} : iota (+ 1 {y1 - y0}) y0 iota (+ 1 {y0 - y1}) y1 else map cons if {x0 < x1} : iota (+ 1 {x1 - x0}) x0 iota (+ 1 {x0 - x1}) x0 -1 if {y0 < y1} : iota (+ 1 {y1 - y0}) y0 iota (+ 1 {y0 - y1}) y0 -1 define : line-coordinates line map string->number : string-tokenize line char-set:digit define : hash-add1 key al hash-set! al key : + 1 : hash-ref al key 0 . al define port : open-input-file "" display hash-count : λ(key value) {value >= 2} let loop : : coordinates : make-hash-table define line : read-line port if : eof-object? line . coordinates loop fold hash-add1 coordinates apply pixels-for-line : line-coordinates line
Day 6, Puzzle 1: Model Exponential Fish
Strange lanternfishes reproduce every 7 days, new fish initially reproduce after 9 days. Model the population growth.
How many will there be after 80 days?
Input: The time to reproduce for each fish.
For this data format, a simplest possible csv parser is useful. I could use guile-dsv, but I want to avoid libraries here to you can run the code without installing anything but Guile and wisp. So here is the simplest tool to read commaseparated numbers from a line of text:
;; snippet: {{{read-numbers-from-csv-line}}} define : read-numbers-from-csv-line filename let : : port : open-input-file filename define res : map string->number : string-split (read-line port) #\, close port . res
For 80 days, I can use a naive approach and simply keep a list of numbers with the reproduction time.
import : only (srfi :1) fold only (ice-9 rdelim) read-line {{{read-numbers-from-csv-line}}} define input read-numbers-from-csv-line . "advent-of-wisp-code-2021-d6p1-example-input.dat" define : reproduce time-to-reproduce prev if : zero? time-to-reproduce cons 8 : cons 6 prev cons {time-to-reproduce - 1} prev display length let rep : (steps 80) (swarm input) if (zero? steps) swarm rep {steps - 1} : fold reproduce '() swarm
Day 6, Puzzle 2: Model Exponential Fish in Memory
Now the goal is 256 days. That kills my memory for sure. Need a tighter datastructure. Let’s use the keys for the lifetimes. The keys are contiguous integers, so why not a vector?
import : only (srfi :1) fold only (ice-9 rdelim) read-line {{{read-numbers-from-csv-line}}} define input read-numbers-from-csv-line . "advent-of-wisp-code-2021-d6p1-example-input.dat" define swarm-lifetime-counts let : : swarm : make-vector 9 0 for-each : λ (x) : vector-set! swarm x : + 1 : vector-ref swarm x . input . swarm define : reproduce swarm define reproducing : vector-ref swarm 0 ;; reduce all lifetimes by 1 for-each λ (lifetime) vector-set! swarm {lifetime - 1} : vector-ref swarm lifetime iota 8 1 ;; add the reproducing to lifetime 6 and 8 vector-set! swarm 6 : + reproducing : vector-ref swarm 6 vector-set! swarm 8 reproducing . swarm display apply + vector->list let rep : (steps 256) (swarm swarm-lifetime-counts) if (zero? steps) swarm rep {steps - 1} : reproduce swarm
Since the fish with the real data are in the trillions, no way I could have done this with the plain list. Each pointer in a linked list needs around 8 byte; just the datastructure would have eaten all my memory many times over. Even a naively optimized tight array with 3-bit-numbers would not have enabled that.
With the new index-counting vector datastructure though, I can easily do 2560 steps. With the example data, the resulting number has 98 digits. 256000 steps take about a second to compute a number with 9687 digits.
Computers are fast.
Day 7, Puzzle 1: Align Fuel Constrained Crab Guns
Crabs come to blast a path into a cave. You must align them: Find the positions where they need to move the least amount of steps so their guns can interlock into one big gun.
import : only (ice-9 rdelim) read-line only (srfi :26) cut only (srfi :1) list-index list-ref {{{read-numbers-from-csv-line}}} define crabs read-numbers-from-csv-line . "advent-of-wisp-code-2021-d7p1-example-input.dat" define min-position : apply min crabs define max-position : apply max crabs define possible-positions iota (+ 1 {max-position - min-position}) min-position define : fuel-cost target-position crabs define : fuel-cost crab abs {crab - target-position} apply + : map fuel-cost crabs define costs : map (cut fuel-cost <> crabs) possible-positions define min-cost : apply min costs define ideal-position list-ref possible-positions list-index (cut equal? min-cost <>) costs display min-cost
Day 7, Puzzle 2: Align Stingy Crab Guns
Movement cost now increases by one per step. Step 1 is 1. Step 2 costs 2, so it is 3. Formula: (step * (step + 1)) / 2
import : only (ice-9 rdelim) read-line only (srfi :26) cut only (srfi :1) list-index list-ref {{{read-numbers-from-csv-line}}} define crabs read-numbers-from-csv-line . "advent-of-wisp-code-2021-d7p1-example-input.dat" define min-position : apply min crabs define max-position : apply max crabs define possible-positions iota (+ 1 {max-position - min-position}) min-position define : fuel-cost target-position crabs define : distance crab abs {crab - target-position} define : cost crab define dist : distance crab * 1/2 dist {dist + 1} apply + : map cost crabs define costs : map (cut fuel-cost <> crabs) possible-positions define min-cost : apply min costs define ideal-position list-ref possible-positions list-index (cut equal? min-cost <>) costs display : format #f "position: ~a, cost: ~a" ideal-position min-cost
Day 8, Puzzle 1: Which numbers are shown?
I’m late on this, because a brief solution wasn’t directly obvious and I didn’t have much time.
I have 10 patterns and 4 displays. Four numbers use a unique number of connections:
- 1: 2
- 4: 4
- 7: 3
- 8: 7
So basically I just need to count occurence of length of strings.
be cfbegad cbdgef fgaecd cgeb fdcge agebfd fecdb fabcd edb | fdgacbe cefdb cefbgd gcbe edbfga begcd cbg gc gcadebf fbgde acbgfd abcde gfcbed gfec | fcgedb cgb dgebacf gc fgaebd cg bdaec gdafb agbcfd gdcbef bgcad gfac gcb cdgabef | cg cg fdcagb cbg fbegcd cbd adcefb dageb afcb bc aefdc ecdab fgdeca fcdbega | efabcd cedba gadfec cb aecbfdg fbg gf bafeg dbefa fcge gcbea fcaegb dgceab fcbdga | gecf egdcabf bgf bfgea fgeab ca afcebg bdacfeg cfaedg gcfdb baec bfadeg bafgc acf | gebdcfa ecba ca fadegcb dbcfg fgd bdegcaf fgec aegbdf ecdfab fbedc dacgb gdcebf gf | cefg dcbef fcge gbcadfe bdfegc cbegaf gecbf dfcage bdacg ed bedf ced adcbefg gebcd | ed bcgafe cdgba cbgef egadfb cdbfeg cegd fecab cgb gbdefca cg fgcdab egfdb bfceg | gbdfcae bgc cg cgb gcafb gcf dcaebfg ecagb gf abcdeg gaef cafbge fdbac fegbdc | fgae cfgab fg bagce
import : only (ice-9 rdelim) read-line srfi :9 records only (srfi :26) cut only (srfi :1) second define : split-result-into-length line map string-length string-tokenize second : string-split line #\| . char-set:letter {{{map-over-lines}}} define input apply append map-over-lines split-result-into-length . "advent-of-wisp-code-2021-d8p1-example-input.dat" define counter : make-vector 8 0 for-each : λ(len) : vector-set! counter len : + 1 : vector-ref counter len . input display apply + map (cut vector-ref counter <>) list 2 4 3 7
Day 8, Puzzle 2: Which numbers are shown?
Now do the full mapping.
Use the left-hand patterns to recover the configuration.
import : only (ice-9 rdelim) read-line srfi :9 records only (srfi :26) cut only (srfi :1) first second fold assoc only (rnrs lists (6)) find ;;; problem definition ;; the numbers with letters for fields. The fields got scrambled. ;; 0: 1: 2: 3: 4: ;; aaaa .... aaaa aaaa .... ;; b c . c . c . c b c ;; b c . c . c . c b c ;; .... .... dddd dddd dddd ;; e f . f e . . f . f ;; e f . f e . . f . f ;; gggg .... gggg gggg .... ;; ;; 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: ;; aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa ;; b . b . . c b c b c ;; b . b . . c b c b c ;; dddd dddd .... dddd dddd ;; . f e f . f e f . f ;; . f e f . f e f . f ;; gggg gggg .... gggg gggg ;; define number-by-length deciders define : 1? string = 2 : string-length string define : 7? string = 3 : string-length string define : 4? string = 4 : string-length string define : 8? string = 7 : string-length string ;; 6 numbers share lengths define : 2-or-3-or-5? string = 5 : string-length string define : 0-or-6-or-9? string = 6 : string-length string ;;; get the input ;; returns (pattern-part result-part) define : split-into-strings line map : cut string-tokenize <> char-set:letter string-split line #\| {{{map-over-lines}}} define input-strings map-over-lines split-into-strings . "advent-of-wisp-code-2021-d8p1-example-input.dat" define input-charsets map λ(line) map : λ(x) : map string->char-set x . line . input-strings ;;; Calculate and apply the de-scrambling and calculation per line define : process-one-line line-strings line-charsets ;; identify the char-sets for digits of unique length define pattern-strings first line-strings define result-charsets second line-charsets define : find-matching-charsets string-matches? pattern-strings fold λ(string prev) append if (string-matches? string) (list (string->char-set string)) '() . prev . '() pattern-strings define one : first : find-matching-charsets 1? pattern-strings define four : first : find-matching-charsets 4? pattern-strings define seven : first : find-matching-charsets 7? pattern-strings define eight : first : find-matching-charsets 8? pattern-strings define zero-or-six-or-nine find-matching-charsets 0-or-6-or-9? pattern-strings define six find : λ(x) : not : char-set<= one x . zero-or-six-or-nine define zero-or-nine filter : λ(x) : char-set<= one x . zero-or-six-or-nine define nine find : λ(x) : char-set<= four x . zero-or-nine define zero find : λ(x) : not : char-set<= four x . zero-or-nine define two-or-three-or-five find-matching-charsets 2-or-3-or-5? pattern-strings define three find : λ(x) : char-set<= one x . two-or-three-or-five define five find : λ(x) : char-set<= x nine delete three two-or-three-or-five define two first : delete five : delete three two-or-three-or-five define charset-to-number list cons zero 0 cons one 1 cons two 2 cons three 3 cons four 4 cons five 5 cons six 6 cons seven 7 cons eight 8 cons nine 9 string->number string-join map number->string map : λ(x) : cdr : assoc x charset-to-number char-set= . result-charsets . "" write : apply + : map process-one-line input-strings input-charsets
This one was long, far longer than I would have liked. And with much more logic coming in from me instead of the program. I wonder if micro-/minikanren or Prolog would provide for a nicer solution.
Day 9, Puzzle 1: Avoid smoke-sinks
Find low points in height-map.
2199943210 3987894921 9856789892 8767896789 9899965678
import : only (ice-9 rdelim) read-line only (ice-9 pretty-print) pretty-print only (srfi :1) fold {{{map-over-lines}}} define : string-letters->numbers line . "turn every letter in the string into the base10 number it represents" map string->number : map string : string->list line define input list->vector map-over-lines λ (line) : list->vector : string-letters->numbers line . "advent-of-wisp-code-2021-d9p1-example-input.dat" define len-y : 1- : vector-length input define len-x : 1- : vector-length : vector-ref input 0 define : at vec x y vector-ref (vector-ref input y) x define : low-point? input x y define up : and {y > 0} {y - 1} define down : and {y < len-y} {y + 1} define left : and {x > 0} {x - 1} define right : and {x < len-x} {x + 1} define val : at input x y and : if up (< val (at input x up)) #t if down (< val (at input x down)) #t if left (< val (at input left y)) #t if right (< val (at input right y)) #t define risk-levels map λ(y) map : λ(x) : if (low-point? input x y) (+ 1 (at input x y)) 0 iota : + 1 len-x iota : + 1 len-y pretty-print map : λ(x) : string-join (map number->string x) "" . risk-levels pretty-print : apply + : map (λ(row) (apply + row)) risk-levels
Day 9, Puzzle 2: Discover Smoke Lakes
Expand each low-point while the ground gets higher, except if it reaches 9.
import : only (ice-9 rdelim) read-line only (ice-9 pretty-print) pretty-print only (srfi :1) fold every any lset-difference delete-duplicates take only (srfi :26) cut ice-9 string-fun {{{map-over-lines}}} define : string-letters->numbers line . "turn every letter in the string into the base10 number it represents" map string->number : map string : string->list line define input list->vector map-over-lines λ (line) : list->vector : string-letters->numbers line . "advent-of-wisp-code-2021-d9p1-example-input.dat" define len-y : 1- : vector-length input define len-x : 1- : vector-length : vector-ref input 0 define : at vec x y vector-ref (vector-ref input y) x define : around x y . "Get all points around the coordinate" define up : and {y > 0} {y - 1} define down : and {y < len-y} {y + 1} define left : and {x > 0} {x - 1} define right : and {x < len-x} {x + 1} delete #f list and up : cons x up and down : cons x down and left : cons left y and right : cons right y define : low-point? input x y known define val : at input x y define : part-of-area? x y or : member (cons x y) known < val : at input x y and {val < 9} every identity map : λ(point) : part-of-area? (car point) (cdr point) around x y define low-points filter : λ(x) : low-point? input (car x) (cdr x) '() apply append map : λ(y) : map (cut cons <> y) : iota : + 1 len-x iota : + 1 len-y define : next x y known define : open? point and : not : member point known . point delete #f : map open? : around x y define : expand-area area define : expands-basin? val new define newval : at input (car new) (cdr new) < val newval 9 define : expand-point point define val : at input (car point) (cdr point) cons point filter (cut expands-basin? val <>) next (car point) (cdr point) area delete-duplicates : apply append : map expand-point area define areas let loop : : areas : map list low-points define open-points lset-difference equal? apply append map expand-area areas apply append areas if : null? open-points . areas loop : map expand-area areas define : basin-value x y if : any identity : map (cut member (cons x y) <>) areas at input x y . 0 define area-levels map λ(y) : map (cut basin-value <> y) : iota : + 1 len-x iota : + 1 len-y pretty-print map λ(x) string-replace-substring string-join (map number->string x) "" . "0" " " . area-levels pretty-print : apply * : take (sort (map length areas) >) 3
This is much too long for my taste, but I don’t see how to make it shorter.
Day 10, Puzzle 1: Pick Wrongly Paired Parens
Goal: Read the code and find a wrongly paired paren.
First parenthesis tools:
;; snippet: {{{paren-tools}}} define opening : string->char-set "([{<" define paired ' #\( . #\) #\[ . #\] #\{ . #\} #\< . #\> define : opening? char char-set-contains? opening char define : valid-char? letter-stack char or : opening? char equal? char : car letter-stack define : process letter-stack char if : opening? char cons (assoc-ref paired char) letter-stack cdr letter-stack
Now give the correct error codes:
import : only (ice-9 rdelim) read-line only (ice-9 pretty-print) pretty-print only (srfi :26) cut {{{map-over-lines}}} ;; opening paired opening? valid-char? process {{{paren-tools}}} define input map-over-lines : λ (x) x ;; unchanged line, identity . "advent-of-wisp-code-2021-d10p1-example-input.dat" define error-values ' #\) . 3 #\] . 57 #\} . 1197 #\> . 25137 define : find-syntax-error line let loop : (letter-stack '()) (open (string->list line)) cond : null? open . #f : valid-char? letter-stack (car open) loop : process letter-stack (car open) cdr open else car open pretty-print apply + map (cut assoc-ref error-values <>) delete #f map find-syntax-error input
Day 10, Puzzle 2: Cleanly close closables
Close unclosed parentheses, keep score of the kind of paren closed, multiplying the previous by 5 for each new error.
import : only (ice-9 rdelim) read-line only (ice-9 pretty-print) pretty-print only (srfi :26) cut only (srfi :1) fold {{{map-over-lines}}} ;; opening paired opening? valid-char? process {{{paren-tools}}} define input map-over-lines : λ (x) x ;; unchanged line, identity . "advent-of-wisp-code-2021-d10p1-example-input.dat" define closing-values ' #\) . 1 #\] . 2 #\} . 3 #\> . 4 define : score numbers define : add-number number prev + number : * 5 prev fold add-number 0 numbers define : find-syntax-error line let loop : (letter-stack '()) (open (string->list line)) cond : null? open score : map (cut assoc-ref closing-values <>) letter-stack : valid-char? letter-stack (car open) loop : process letter-stack (car open) cdr open else #f pretty-print let : : res : delete #f : map find-syntax-error input list-ref (sort res <) : floor/ (length res) 2
Day 11, Puzzle 1: Flashing Octopuses
Every step each number is increased by 1. If it is higher than 9, it flashes, and the up to 8 sourrounding numbers increase by 1, too, also flashing if they become higher than 9.
5483143223 2745854711 5264556173 6141336146 6357385478 4167524645 2176841721 6882881134 4846848554 5283751526
Flashing logic:
;; snippet: {{{flashing-logic}}} define input map : λ (x) (map string->number (map string x)) map-over-lines string->list "advent-of-wisp-code-2021-d11p1-example-input.dat" define : 1++ arr . "increase every arr value by 1" map : λ (x) : map 1+ x . arr define : flash-indizes arr define : flash y define L : list-ref arr y map : cut cons y <> delete #f map λ(idx) let : : num : list-ref L idx ;; 99 means "already flashing" and {num > 9} {num < 99} idx iota : length L apply append : map flash : iota : length arr define : flash arr . "return as values: changed arr and count of flashing" let reflash : : count 0 define indizes : flash-indizes arr define : apply-flash index define y : car index define x : cdr index define line : list-ref arr y define len-line-1 : 1- : length line define len-arr-1 : 1- : length arr ;; all indizes around the current index ;; but only inside the limits define around delete #f list ;; #f if outside the limits and {x > 0} cons {x - 1} y and {x < len-line-1} cons {x + 1} y and {y < len-arr-1} cons x {y + 1} and (and {y < len-arr-1} {x > 0}) cons {x - 1} {y + 1} and (and {y < len-arr-1} {x < len-line-1}) cons {x + 1} {y + 1} and {y > 0} cons x {y - 1} and (and {y > 0} {x > 0}) cons {x - 1} {y - 1} and (and {y > 0} {x < len-line-1}) cons {x + 1} {y - 1} for-each λ : x y let : : line : list-ref arr y list-set! line x : 1+ : list-ref line x list-set! arr y line map car around map cdr around ;; 99 means "already flashing" list-set! line x 99 if : null? indizes ;; use multiple values return as a side-channel ;; to report the number of flashes (as count) values map : λ (line) : map (λ (num) (if {num >= 99} 0 num)) line . arr . count begin for-each apply-flash indizes reflash : + count : length indizes define : step arr flash : 1++ arr
import : only (ice-9 rdelim) read-line only (ice-9 pretty-print) pretty-print only (srfi :26) cut only (srfi :1) fold first second only (srfi :11) let-values {{{map-over-lines}}} ;; input, step {{{flashing-logic}}} define flash-counter 0 display string-join map : λ (line) : string-join (map number->string line) "" fold λ (num prev) let-values : : (arr count) (step prev) set! flash-counter {flash-counter + count} . arr . input iota 100 . "\n" newline display flash-counter
Day 11, Puzzle 2: Flash together, right now
Find the step where all flashh together.
Use a local return to stop the fold when I find the flashing.
import : only (ice-9 rdelim) read-line only (ice-9 pretty-print) pretty-print only (ice-9 control) call/ec ; non-local exit -> return only (srfi :26) cut only (srfi :1) fold first second only (srfi :11) let-values {{{map-over-lines}}} ;; input, step {{{flashing-logic}}} display string-join map : λ (line) : string-join (map number->string line) "" ;; introduce a return statement locally call/ec λ : return fold λ (num prev) let-values : : (arr count) (step prev) when : = 0 : apply + : map (λ(x) (apply + x)) arr return : append arr `((,(+ 1 num))) . arr . input iota 1999 . "\n"
Day 12, Puzzle 1: All the exciting trails
Find all paths through the cave that visit small caves only once.
I enter at start
, I exit at end
, I’m only allowed to enter
uppercase rooms more than once. These are the edges (the connections)
between rooms that give 10 paths:
start-A start-b A-c A-b b-d A-end b-end
And a larger input with 226 paths:
fs-end he-DX fs-he start-DX pj-DX end-zg zg-sl zg-pj pj-he RW-he fs-DX pj-RW zg-RW start-pj he-WI zg-he pj-fs start-RW
import : only (ice-9 rdelim) read-line only (ice-9 pretty-print) pretty-print only (srfi :26) cut only (srfi :1) first second append-map remove {{{map-over-lines}}} define input map-over-lines cut string-split <> #\- . "advent-of-wisp-code-2021-d12p1-example-input-larger.dat" define : undirected edges append-map : λ (edge) : list edge (reverse edge) . edges define : all-paths edges let loop : (path '("start")) (edges (undirected edges)) define matching-edges ;; keep the edges that match the first element of the path filter : λ (edge) : equal? (first edge) (first path) . edges define remaining-edges ;; remove edges that match the first element of the path ;; if we’re in a lowercase field, otherwise keep all if : string-every char-set:upper-case (first path) . edges remove : λ (edge) : equal? (first edge) (first path) . edges define extended-paths-for-matching ;; create one extended path for each matching edge map : λ (edge) : cons (second edge) path . matching-edges define : process-one extended-path loop extended-path remaining-edges cond : equal? "end" : first path list : string-join (reverse path) "," : null? edges list ;; empty, because we did not reach the end else append-map process-one extended-paths-for-matching pretty-print : length : all-paths input
Day 12, Puzzle 2: Accept boredom just once
Find all paths through the cave that visit small caves only once; except that you may visit one of them twice.
I enter at start
, I exit at end
, I’m allowed to enter
uppercase rooms more than once. These are the edges (the connections)
between rooms that give 36 paths:
start-A start-b A-c A-b b-d A-end b-end
And a larger input with 3509 paths:
fs-end he-DX fs-he start-DX pj-DX end-zg zg-sl zg-pj pj-he RW-he fs-DX pj-RW zg-RW start-pj he-WI zg-he pj-fs start-RW
This looks harmless, but it originally pushed my non-optimized code to its limits and got my CPU to suffer. It could benefit a lot from a functional dictionary datastructure instead of a linear-update alist. But still, it’s nice to my memory and already did the job.
After finishing it, I optimized it to avoid doing work twice, so this now has reasonable speed.
import : only (ice-9 rdelim) read-line only (ice-9 pretty-print) pretty-print only (srfi :26) cut only (srfi :1) first second append-map remove {{{map-over-lines}}} define input map-over-lines cut string-split <> #\- . "advent-of-wisp-code-2021-d12p1-example-input.dat" define : undirected edges append-map : λ (edge) : list edge (reverse edge) . edges define : lower? str string-every char-set:lower-case str define : all-paths edges let loop : (path '("start")) (edges (undirected edges)) (bored? #f) define : twice-in-path? if : member (first path) (cdr path) . #t #f define path-head : first path define start? : equal? path-head "start" define end? : equal? path-head "end" define lowercase? : lower? path-head define boring? : and lowercase? : twice-in-path? define matching-edges ;; keep the edges that match the first element of the path filter : λ (edge) : equal? path-head : first edge . edges define remaining-edges ;; remove edges that match the first element of the path ;; if we’re in a lowercase field, otherwise keep all cond boring? ;; remove the current edge and all lowercase path elements let : : lowercase-path-elements : filter lower? path remove : λ (edge) : member (first edge) lowercase-path-elements . edges : or start? : and bored? lowercase? remove : λ (edge) : equal? path-head : first edge . edges else edges ;; keep all define extended-paths-for-matching ;; create one extended path for each matching edge map : λ (edge) : cons (second edge) path . matching-edges define : process-one extended-path loop extended-path remaining-edges : or bored? boring? cond end? list : string-join (reverse path) "," : null? edges list ;; empty, because we did not reach the end : and start? : not : null? : cdr path list ;; empty, because revisiting start is forbidden else append-map process-one extended-paths-for-matching pretty-print : length : all-paths input
Profiling this, gives the expected results: remove
, string-every
and lower?
are the most expensive actions, since they are the inner
loops. To profile it, just copy it into a wisp shell and then run:
,profile pretty-print : length : all-paths input .
The output with profile looks like this:
3509 % cumulative self time seconds seconds procedure 26.47 0.16 0.16 string-every-c-code 14.71 0.16 0.09 remove 14.71 0.11 0.09 lower? 11.76 0.07 0.07 <current input>:50:39 8.82 0.62 0.05 <current input>:31:38:loop 8.82 0.07 0.05 <current input>:71:0 2.94 0.38 0.02 filter 2.94 0.02 0.02 car 2.94 0.02 0.02 %after-gc-thunk 2.94 0.02 0.02 string-join 2.94 0.02 0.02 procedure? 0.00 15.13 0.00 srfi/srfi-1.scm:584:5:map1 0.00 5.55 0.00 srfi/srfi-1.scm:672:0:append-map 0.00 0.62 0.00 anon #x1752678 0.00 0.02 0.00 anon #xe3d160 0.00 0.02 0.00 ice-9/boot-9.scm:340:2:string-every --- Sample count: 34 Total time: 0.621091946 seconds (0.093273494 seconds in GC)
Since string-every, remove and lower? already have 0.34s — more than half the runtime — I won’t optimize further. A better datastructure could get rid of most of the cost of remove, and the lower? could be cached to save another 10% of the runtime, for example like this:
define lower? let : : cache '() lambda (str) let : : cached : assoc str cache if cached cdr cached let : : res : string-every char-set:lower-case str set! cache : cons (cons str res) cache . res
See, now I did optimize further, but I’ll stop here :-)
Have fun!
Day 13, Puzzle 1: Fold your password
Mirror points over a given axis.
6,10 0,14 9,10 0,3 10,4 4,11 6,0 6,12 4,1 0,13 10,12 3,4 3,0 8,4 1,10 2,14 8,10 9,0 fold along y=7 fold along x=5
Here I need to read two fields. I realize that with a modification of map-over-lines
;; snippet: {{{map-over-lines-port}}}: an alternate map-over-lines ;; that takes a port and a terminator, so multiple fields can be read import : only (ice-9 rdelim) read-line only (srfi :26) cut only (ice-9 optargs) define* define* : map-over-lines/port fun port #:key (terminator eof-object?) define terminator? if : or (procedure? terminator) (macro? terminator) . terminator cut equal? terminator <> let loop : (lines '()) (line (read-line port)) if : terminator? line begin : reverse! lines loop : cons (fun line) lines read-line port
Also I need to draw coordinates on the commandline:
;; snippet: {{{draw-coordinates}}} define : draw coordinates define xs : map first coordinates define ys : map second coordinates define len-x + 1 : apply max xs define len-y + 1 : apply max ys define pane let loop : (res '()) (rest-y len-y) if : zero? rest-y . res loop : cons (make-list len-x #\.) res - rest-y 1 for-each : λ (x y) : list-set! (list-ref pane y) x #\# . xs ys string-join map : λ (sublist) : apply string sublist . pane . "\n"
And I need to read the coordinates and instructions and apply instructions:
;; snippet: {{{coordinates-and-instructions}}} define-values : coordinates instructions let : : port : open-input-file "advent-of-wisp-code-2021-d13p1-example-input.dat" define coordinates map-over-lines/port λ (line) : map string->number : string-split line #\, . port . #:terminator "" ;; split by empty line define instructions map-over-lines/port cut string-split <> #\= . port values coordinates instructions define : apply-instruction coordinates instruction define instruction-value : string->number : second instruction define is-y : equal? "fold along y" : first instruction define : process-one coordinate define val : if is-y (second coordinate) (first coordinate) define new-val if {val < instruction-value} val - {instruction-value * 2} val if is-y list (first coordinate) new-val list new-val (second coordinate) map process-one coordinates
Finally: actually apply one instruction, and draw the coordinates:
import : only (ice-9 rdelim) read-line only (ice-9 pretty-print) pretty-print only (ice-9 optargs) define* only (srfi :26) cut only (srfi :1) first second append-map remove {{{map-over-lines-port}}} {{{draw-coordinates}}} {{{coordinates-and-instructions}}} display string-count : draw : apply-instruction coordinates : car instructions . #\#
I did too much when solving this: I directly implemented folding to the end, because I did not read the final paragraph carefully enough.
I took that additional part out again for the code above. It’s in the code for part 2.
Day 13, Puzzle 2: Fold your password
Complete folding, then use the letters as result (in the example: O). The only changees are creating folded by let-recursion over the instructions and printing the drawing instead of the count.
import : only (ice-9 rdelim) read-line only (ice-9 pretty-print) pretty-print only (ice-9 optargs) define* only (srfi :26) cut only (srfi :1) first second append-map remove {{{map-over-lines-port}}} {{{draw-coordinates}}} {{{coordinates-and-instructions}}} define folded let loop : (coords coordinates) (instrs instructions) if : null? instrs . coords loop : apply-instruction coords : car instrs cdr instrs display : draw folded
And since it just calls for it, let’s follow Scheme tradition and
implement map-over-lines
on top of map-over-lines/port
{{{map-over-lines-port}}} define : map-over-lines fun filename define port : open-input-file filename define lines : map-over-lines/port fun port close port . lines
This closes the port explicitly. Without that, closing is delayed until garbage-collection which could exhaust file descriptors if I open many files in a very short time.
Day 14, Puzzle 1: Polymer-synthesis
Insert characters inside matching pairs.
The first line is the initial sequence. A second block gives a lookup table: insert the character in the middle of matching pairs.
NNCB CH -> B HH -> N CB -> H NH -> C HB -> C HC -> B HN -> C NN -> C BH -> H NC -> B NB -> B BN -> B BB -> N BC -> B CC -> N CN -> C
import : only (srfi :1) take first second fold only (ice-9 string-fun) string-replace-substring {{{map-over-lines-port}}} define input let : : port : open-input-file "advent-of-wisp-code-2021-d14p1-example-input.dat" define init first : map-over-lines/port string->list port #:terminator "" define : split-line line define key-value string-split : string-replace-substring line " -> " ";" . #\; cons : string->list : first key-value first : string->list : second key-value define rules map-over-lines/port split-line port list init rules define : apply-rule left right prev rules define matching : assoc (list left right) rules define prev-with-match if matching : cons (cdr matching) prev . prev cons right prev-with-match define : apply-rules letters rules reverse! fold (cut apply-rule <> <> <> rules) take letters 1 ;; initial value: first letter . letters ;; left letters in pairs cdr letters ;; shifted => right right letters define : apply-rules-n-times N letters rules let loop : (N N) (letters letters) if : zero? N . letters loop {N - 1} apply-rules letters rules define result-string apply string apply-rules-n-times 10 (first input) (second input) define all-possible-letters let : : with-duplicates : append (first input) : map cdr (second input) ;; hack: use char-set conversion to remove duplicates char-set->list list->char-set with-duplicates define occurrences map (cut string-count result-string <>) all-possible-letters let : maxOcc : apply max occurrences minOcc : apply min occurrences display {maxOcc - minOcc}
This is pretty slow. At 20 steps it takes two seconds to calculate 3 million elements and at 22 steps it’s already at 6 seconds for 12 million elements.
The second part needs 40 steps. I must change the approach.
Also I’m still kind of annoyed that reading the input usually takes a too large fraction of the total code. I have the feeling that some primitives are too low level in Scheme — need to fix that.
Consequence: I just wrote string-split-substring
and if/once the
tests pass, I’ll submit it to Guile to ease the pain and use it in the
next step.
Day 14, Puzzle 2: predict the element disbalance
The answer actually only needs the counts of letters, so why should I actually synthesize the polymer-string? Just having letter-bigrams with their counts should avoid the algorithmic explosion.
But first let’s simplify the string input:
;; snippet: {{{string-split-substring}}} define : string-split-substring str substring if : equal? substring "" map string : string->list str ;; split each letter let : : sublen : string-length substring let lp : (start 0) (res '()) cond (string-contains str substring start) => λ : end lp (+ end sublen) (cons (substring/shared str start end) res) else reverse! : cons (substring/shared str start) res
This allows to simplify reading the input a bit:
;; before define key-value string-split : string-replace-substring line " -> " ";" . #\; ;; after define key-value string-split-substring line " -> "
To fix the algorithmic explosion, I’ll just not generate the polymer: since nature already does it, why should I do it myself when all I need are the resulting statistics? :-)
The simplest option is to use hash-maps and global mutation.
import : only (srfi :1) take first second third fold drop-right only (ice-9 string-fun) string-replace-substring only (srfi :26) cut {{{map-over-lines-port}}} {{{string-split-substring}}} define letters : make-hash-table define : letters-inc! key value hash-set! letters key : + value : or (hash-ref letters key) 0 define pairs : make-hash-table define : pairs-inc! key value hash-set! pairs key : + value : or (hash-ref pairs key) 0 define : pairs-dec! key value pairs-inc! key : - value define input let : : port : open-input-file "advent-of-wisp-code-2021-d14p1-example-input.dat" ;; get the letters as before define init first : map-over-lines/port string->list port #:terminator "" ;; get the rules as before define : split-line line define key-value string-split-substring line " -> " cons : string->list : first key-value first : string->list : second key-value define rules map-over-lines/port split-line port ;; split the letters into pairs define init-pairs map cons drop-right init 1 cdr init ;; track letters and pairs in the global hash-maps for-each (cut letters-inc! <> 1) init for-each (cut pairs-inc! <> 1) init-pairs . rules define : apply-rule left right weight rules define pair : cons left right define matching : assoc (list left right) rules when matching let : : middle : cdr matching pairs-dec! pair weight pairs-inc! (cons left middle) weight pairs-inc! (cons middle right) weight letters-inc! middle weight define : apply-rules rules ;; get the items to fold over (avoid mutation while folding) define letters-and-weights hash-map->list : lambda (key value) : list (car key) (cdr key) value . pairs for-each (cut apply-rule <> <> <> rules) map first letters-and-weights ;; first map second letters-and-weights ;; second map third letters-and-weights ;; weight define : apply-rules-n-times N rules ;; simplified: no need for return values for-each : λ(x) : apply-rules rules iota N apply-rules-n-times 40 input define occurrences hash-map->list : λ(key value) value . letters let : maxOcc : apply max occurrences minOcc : apply min occurrences display {maxOcc - minOcc}
This now solves my speed problems: It takes 7 seconds for 10k steps. The version from part 1 could only do 22 steps in that time.
Day 15, Puzzle 1: Path planning
Now we’re getting serious. Find the path with the lowest aggregated cost of fields to enter. I need the globally best path, so the obvious choice is Dijkstra's algorithm.
1163751742 1381373672 2136511328 3694931569 7463417111 1319128137 1359912421 3125421639 1293138521 2311944581
For Dijkstra I need a set of unvisited nodes and a set of visited nodes. For simplicity I’ll start with plain lists of lists, the most direct translation of the task, though that will not scale, so I will likely have to change to a better datastructure in part 2.
The datastructure is a simple list of lists, defined by its accessors
and xy-set!
;;; snippet: {{{p15-xy-ref-and-set}}} define : xy-ref arr x y list-ref : list-ref arr y . x define : xy-set! arr x y val list-set! : list-ref arr y . x val
In this naive approach, calculating the neighbors just looks around in the datastructure.
;;; snippet: {{{d15-neighbors}}} define : neighbors x y define dpos ' (-1 0) (0 -1) (+1 0) (0 +1) delete #f map λ : dx dy let : (xx {x + dx}) (yy {y + dy}) and {xx >= 0} {xx < len-x} {yy >= 0} {yy < len-y} pos {x + dx} {y + dy} map first dpos map second dpos
Positions are tracked as records with x and y and distances use a simple xy-structure:
;;; snippet: {{{d15-position-handling}}} define-record-type <pos> pos x y . pos? x pos-x y pos-y ;; Distances check x and y in a distances map: define : distance node xy-ref distances (pos-x node) (pos-y node) define : distance-<? A B < distance A distance B define : calculate-distance node current-distance define X : pos-x node define Y : pos-y node define path-cost : xy-ref input X Y define known-distance : xy-ref distances X Y min known-distance {current-distance + path-cost}
Finding the closest node just iterates over all positions and keeps the unvisited one with the shortest distance.
;; snippet: {{{d15-closest-unvisited-simple}}} define : find-closest-unvisited-node define len-x-1 {len-x - 1} define len-y-1 {len-y - 1} let loop : (x 0) (y 0) (closest-x 0) (closest-y 0) (closest-dist (inf)) define dist : distance : pos x y define unvisited : not : xy-ref visited x y if : and unvisited {dist < closest-dist} loop x y x y dist cond : and {len-x-1 <= x} {len-y-1 <= y} if unvisited pos closest-x closest-y . #f {len-x-1 <= x} loop 0 {y + 1} closest-x closest-y closest-dist else : loop {x + 1} y closest-x closest-y closest-dist
And processing one node just means calculating and setting the distances of all its not yet visited neighbors:
;; snippet: {{{d15-visit-current-node-simple}}} define : visit-current-node define neigh ;; all unvisited neighbors remove : λ (node) : xy-ref visited (pos-x node) (pos-y node) neighbors (pos-x current-node) (pos-y current-node) define current-distance xy-ref distances (pos-x current-node) (pos-y current-node) for-each λ : node . #f xy-set! distances pos-x node pos-y node calculate-distance node current-distance . neigh xy-set! visited (pos-x current-node) (pos-y current-node) #t and=> (find-closest-unvisited-node) : cut set! current-node <>
To put it all together:
import : only (ice-9 rdelim) read-line only (ice-9 pretty-print) pretty-print only (ice-9 optargs) define* only (srfi :26) cut only (srfi :9) define-record-type only (srfi :1) first second append-map remove {{{map-over-lines}}} {{{string-split-substring}}} ;; use the new string-split-substring function define : line->numbers line map string->number : string-split-substring line "" define input map-over-lines line->numbers "advent-of-wisp-code-2021-d15p1-example-input.dat" define len-y : length input define len-x : length (list-ref input 0) {{{p15-xy-ref-and-set}}} define visited map : λ(y) : map (λ(x) #f) : iota len-x iota len-y define distances map : λ(y) : map (λ(x) (inf)) : iota len-x iota len-y ;; init the risk of the first node as 0 xy-set! distances 0 0 0 {{{d15-position-handling}}} {{{d15-neighbors}}} define initial-node : pos 0 0 define target-node : pos {len-x - 1} {len-y - 1} define current-node initial-node {{{d15-closest-unvisited-simple}}} {{{d15-visit-current-node-simple}}} while : visit-current-node . #f ;; Now the cost of all shortest paths to all nodes is known. ;; The lowest total risk is just the distance to the target pretty-print : distance target-node
That finished with the real input in less than one minute despite the sub-par datastructures used here.
Day 15, Puzzle 2: Larger path planning
As expected, the second task has a larger map. More exactly: a 25x larger map.
I need better datastructures. But the first step is profiling:
;; add here all the code before calling visit-current-node with the real code ,profile while (visit-current-node) #f
% cumulative self time seconds seconds procedure 71.06 27.98 27.98 list-ref 13.18 39.19 5.19 find-closest-unvisited-node 6.16 2.43 2.43 distance 5.95 15.86 2.34 xy-ref 3.38 1.33 1.33 %after-gc-thunk 0.09 39.35 0.03 visit-current-node 0.04 39.38 0.02 anon #x18f2be8 0.04 0.02 0.02 <current input>:82:0 0.04 0.02 0.02 xy-set! 0.04 0.02 0.02 ice-9/boot-9.scm:812:0:and=> 0.00 1.33 0.00 anon #xf88160 0.00 0.07 0.00 ice-9/boot-9.scm:253:2:for-each 0.00 0.07 0.00 <current input>:112:0 0.00 0.02 0.00 remove 0.00 0.02 0.00 neighbors 0.00 0.02 0.00 ice-9/boot-9.scm:230:5:map2
The culprits are obvious: list-ref
and find-closest-unvisited-node
The reason is clear: list-ref on the linked lists scales linearly:
. Once it is taken out, the next target for optimization is
: it currently looks at all nodes, so it
also scales at best in the number of list-access: O(N) * list-ref
Since it is needed once per node in Dijkstra, the total algorithmic
cost of this naive implementation is at least cubic:
O(N) * find-closest-unvisited-node * list-ref ~ O(N³)
But first: let’s check whether just switching to a vector is enough. With 25x the nodes, quadratic scaling would mean 625x the runtime. Vectors already reduce the runtime for the unchanged input to 17s, so this could finish in 3 hours.
Change: Use 25x the nodes:
;;;snippet: {{{d15p2-5x-input}}} define : inc number let : : num {number + 1} if {num > 9} 1 num define : inc-list L map inc L define : 5x-line line define nextline line let loop : (n 4) (line line) set! nextline : map inc nextline if : zero? n . line loop {n - 1} : append line nextline define : 5x-arr arr define nextarr arr let loop : (n 4) (arr arr) set! nextarr : map inc-list nextarr if : zero? n . arr loop {n - 1} : append arr nextarr ;; 5x each line set! input : map 5x-line input ;; 5x the input, in lazy mode set! input : 5x-arr input
Change: Use a vector. Change the data to vectors and adjust xy-ref
;; snippet: {{{d15p2-move-to-vector}}} ;; move to a vector set! input list->vector : map list->vector input define : xy-ref arr x y vector-ref : vector-ref arr y . x define : xy-set! arr x y val vector-set! : vector-ref arr y . x val ;; move to a vector define visited list->vector map : λ(y) : list->vector : map (λ(x) #f) : iota len-x iota len-y define distances list->vector map : λ(y) : list->vector : map (λ(x) (inf)) : iota len-x iota len-y
That’s all the changes: the other snippets stay the same. Putting it all together (re-using snippets from part 1):
import : only (ice-9 rdelim) read-line only (ice-9 pretty-print) pretty-print only (ice-9 optargs) define* only (srfi :26) cut only (srfi :9) define-record-type only (srfi :1) first second append-map remove {{{map-over-lines}}} {{{string-split-substring}}} define : line->numbers line map string->number : string-split-substring line "" define input map-over-lines line->numbers "advent-of-wisp-code-2021-d15p1-example-input.dat" ;; change: use 5x the input {{{d15p2-5x-input}}} define len-y : length input define len-x : length (list-ref input 0) ;; change: use a vector instead of a list {{{d15p2-move-to-vector}}} ;; init the risk of the first node as 0 xy-set! distances 0 0 0 {{{d15-position-handling}}} {{{d15-neighbors}}} define initial-node : pos 0 0 define target-node : pos {len-x - 1} {len-y - 1} define current-node initial-node {{{d15-closest-unvisited-simple}}} {{{d15-visit-current-node-simple}}} while : visit-current-node . #f ;; Now the cost of all shortest paths to all nodes is known. ;; The lowest total risk is just the distance to the target pretty-print : distance target-node
Yes, it works. Slow, but fast enough to finish. That’s the power of just switching out the basic datastructure for one that’s better suited for the task. Don’t use a linked list, if you want to access elements at arbitrary positions by index.
With this, the task is done, but not yet done well.
Simple Priority Queue
The next step is changing find-closest-unvisited-node
to use a
priority queue.
I’ll have to implement a Fibonacci heap — or one of the other priority queues with sufficient scaling.
Likely I should try a Strict Fibonacci heap for the best scaling (Brodal, Gerth Stølting; Lagogiannis, George; Tarjan, Robert E., 2012), or one of the queues with best empirical results (Daniel H. Larkin, Siddhartha Sen, Robert E. Tarjan, 2014).
But that requires thinking in trees, so let’s make the simplest priority queue instead. The scaling will not suffice for hard challenges, but it should suffice for this Dijkstra — and keep it simple. The data holder is a plain list for starters and ordering is done by simply sorting after every insert and searching the list linearly when decreasing, because there a value has to be moved.
The algorithm uses a slowly moving front of open nodes of roughly
O(sqrt N)
size, and it kind of follows the natural ordering of the
elements, so the scaling of the priority queue for the task at hand
may actually be O(sqrt N)
;; snippet {{{priority-queue}}} import : only (ice-9 pretty-print) pretty-print only (srfi :9) define-record-type only (srfi :1) take define-record-type <queue-item> queue-item priority value . queue-item? priority queue-item-priority queue-item-priority-set! value queue-item-value define : make-priority-queue . '() ;; plain linked list define : pq-find-min q if : null? q . #f queue-item-value : car q define pq-delete-min cdr define : pq-sort q sort q : λ (a b) : < (queue-item-priority a) (queue-item-priority b) define : pq-insert q q-item and=> (cons q-item q) pq-sort define : pq-decrease q priority q-item-value . "This has linear time: O(N). For a proper priority queue it should have O(log n) or O(1)." let loop : (item (car q)) (before '()) (after '()) (rest (cdr q)) cond : equal? q-item-value : queue-item-value item ;; use mutating functions (!) for efficiency append! reverse! before cons : queue-item priority q-item-value reverse! after . rest : null? rest error "item not found in q:" q-item-value : take q 10 ;; the <= is required to have stable sorting. { (queue-item-priority item) <= priority } loop : car rest cons item before . after cdr rest else loop : car rest . before cons item after cdr rest
Now I use the priority queue to track the unvisited nodes and get the closest one:
;; snippet {{{priority-queue-usage-unvisited}}} ;; priority-queue: unvisited (this should decrease the cost) define unvisited append-map λ (x) map λ (y) : queue-item (inf) : pos x y iota len-y iota len-x ;; With the priority queue, this is down to a single line. define : find-closest-unvisited-node pq-find-min unvisited
Processing the current node not only sets the by position, but also changes the distance inside the priority queue and takes the next node to process from it:
;; snippet {{{priority-queue-usage-visit-current-node}}} define : visit-current-node define neigh ;; all unvisited neighbors remove : λ (node) : xy-ref visited (pos-x node) (pos-y node) neighbors (pos-x current-node) (pos-y current-node) define current-distance xy-ref distances (pos-x current-node) (pos-y current-node) for-each λ : node let : : d : calculate-distance node current-distance set! unvisited : pq-decrease unvisited d node xy-set! distances pos-x node pos-y node . d . neigh xy-set! visited (pos-x current-node) (pos-y current-node) #t ;; delete the current-node set! unvisited : pq-delete-min unvisited and=> (find-closest-unvisited-node) : cut set! current-node <>
Putting the full Dijkstra together again, now with the priority queue:
import : only (ice-9 rdelim) read-line only (ice-9 pretty-print) pretty-print only (ice-9 optargs) define* only (srfi :26) cut only (srfi :9) define-record-type only (srfi :1) first second append-map remove take {{{map-over-lines}}} {{{string-split-substring}}} {{{priority-queue}}} define : line->numbers line map string->number : string-split-substring line "" define input map-over-lines line->numbers "advent-of-wisp-code-2021-d15p1-example-input.dat" {{{d15p2-5x-input}}} define len-y : length input define len-x : length (list-ref input 0) {{{d15p2-move-to-vector}}} ;; init the risk of the first node as 0 xy-set! distances 0 0 0 {{{d15-position-handling}}} {{{d15-neighbors}}} define initial-node : pos 0 0 define target-node : pos {len-x - 1} {len-y - 1} define current-node initial-node {{{priority-queue-usage-unvisited}}} set! unvisited : pq-decrease unvisited 0 : pos 0 0 {{{priority-queue-usage-visit-current-node}}} define : cost-to-target while : visit-current-node . #f distance target-node ;; Now the cost of all shortest paths to all nodes is known. ;; The lowest total risk is just the distance to the target pretty-print : cost-to-target
Using this trivial priority queue, we’re down from 2h with the naive search on the raw map-data to 11 minutes. The algorithmic cost is dominated by pq-decrease, so using a better priority-queue could decrease the cost a lot:
,profile cost-to-target . % cumulative self time seconds seconds procedure 81.49 883.98 734.70 pq-decrease 6.49 58.50 58.50 %after-gc-thunk 6.45 58.11 58.11 reverse! 3.63 32.70 32.70 equal? 1.73 15.58 15.56 append! 0.03 900.08 0.30 <current input>:185:0 0.03 0.28 0.28 <current input>:203:8 0.03 0.24 0.24 xy-ref 0.02 901.51 0.19 visit-current-node 0.02 0.15 0.15 <current input>:160:0 0.01 0.13 0.13 xy-set! 0.01 0.56 0.11 neighbors 0.01 0.54 0.11 ice-9/boot-9.scm:230:5:map2 0.01 0.09 0.09 min 0.01 900.25 0.06 ice-9/boot-9.scm:253:2:for-each 0.01 0.06 0.06 cadr 0.00 0.26 0.04 ice-9/boot-9.scm:220:5:map1 0.00 0.04 0.04 pq-delete-min
Purely Functional Priority Search Queue
Redefining the priority queue with the Priority Search Queue from the Purely Functional Data Structures should give us much better performance. Let’s try that:
;; snippet {{{priority-queue-pfds}}} import : only (ice-9 pretty-print) pretty-print only (srfi :26) cut only (srfi :9) define-record-type only (srfi :1) take pfds psqs ;; Priority Search Queue define-record-type <queue-item> queue-item priority value . queue-item? priority queue-item-priority queue-item-priority-set! value queue-item-value ;; the position comparator defines the traversal order define : pos-<? p0 p1 define x0 : pos-x p0 define y0 : pos-y p0 define x1 : pos-x p1 define y1 : pos-y p1 if {x0 = x1} {y0 < y1} {x0 < x1} define : make-priority-queue make-psq pos-<? < define pq-find-min psq-min define pq-delete-min psq-delete-min define pq-delete psq-delete define pq-insert psq-set define : pq-decrease q priority q-item-value psq-update q q-item-value λ (prio) : min priority prio . priority
We’ll have to adjust the creation of the unvisited node queue:
;; snippet {{{priority-queue-usage-unvisited-pfds}}} ;; priority-queue: unvisited (this should decrease the cost) define unvisited fold : λ (next previous) : pq-insert previous next : inf make-priority-queue append-map λ (x) map λ (y) : pos x y iota len-y iota len-x ;; With the priority queue, this is down to a single line. define : find-closest-unvisited-node and not : psq-empty? unvisited pq-find-min unvisited
And delete the minimum node before adjusting other nodes to avoid an infinite loop:
;; snippet {{{priority-queue-usage-visit-current-node-pfds}}} define : visit-current-node define neigh ;; all unvisited neighbors remove : λ (node) : xy-ref visited (pos-x node) (pos-y node) neighbors (pos-x current-node) (pos-y current-node) define current-distance xy-ref distances (pos-x current-node) (pos-y current-node) ;; delete the current-node from unvisited set! unvisited : pq-delete-min unvisited for-each λ : node let : : d : calculate-distance node current-distance set! unvisited : pq-decrease unvisited d node xy-set! distances pos-x node pos-y node . d . neigh xy-set! visited (pos-x current-node) (pos-y current-node) #t and=> (find-closest-unvisited-node) : cut set! current-node <>
But overall the changes are pretty minor:
import : only (ice-9 rdelim) read-line only (ice-9 pretty-print) pretty-print only (ice-9 optargs) define* only (srfi :26) cut only (srfi :9) define-record-type only (srfi :1) first second append-map remove take fold pfds psqs ;; Priority Search Queue {{{map-over-lines}}} {{{string-split-substring}}} define : line->numbers line map string->number : string-split-substring line "" define input map-over-lines line->numbers "advent-of-wisp-code-2021-d15p1-example-input.dat" {{{d15p2-5x-input}}} define len-y : length input define len-x : length (list-ref input 0) {{{d15p2-move-to-vector}}} ;; init the risk of the first node as 0 xy-set! distances 0 0 0 {{{d15-position-handling}}} {{{priority-queue-pfds}}} {{{priority-queue-usage-unvisited-pfds}}} {{{d15-neighbors}}} define initial-node : pos 0 0 define target-node : pos {len-x - 1} {len-y - 1} define current-node initial-node set! unvisited : pq-decrease unvisited 0 : pos 0 0 {{{priority-queue-usage-visit-current-node-pfds}}} define : cost-to-target while : visit-current-node . #t distance target-node ;; Now the cost of all shortest paths to all nodes is known. ;; The lowest total risk is just the distance to the target pretty-print : cost-to-target
This code now takes only 10 seconds for completion instead of 8 minutes.
The difference of the previous version compared to the earlier results are due to faster hardware.
wisp@(guile-user)> ,profile cost-to-target ... ... % cumulative self time seconds seconds procedure 29.36 4.10 4.10 struct-ref 15.65 4.08 2.19 ice-9/boot-9.scm:1211:8 14.46 6.33 2.02 rnrs/records/procedural.scm:141:6 5.37 1.89 0.75 ice-9/boot-9.scm:978:0:record-type-parents 4.32 0.75 0.60 ice-9/boot-9.scm:1169:19 4.17 0.71 0.58 pfds/psqs.sls:235:0:update 3.28 7.37 0.46 pfds/psqs.sls:149:0:play-match 2.68 2.69 0.37 pfds/psqs.sls:359:0:balance 2.53 0.35 0.35 < 2.24 0.31 0.31 %after-gc-thunk ... --- Sample count: 671 Total time: 13.97066953 seconds (4.1994665 seconds in GC)
I cannot fix struct-ref
, so I finally consider this task done.
Though it is now 30 months after my first try.
Day 16, Puzzle 1: Read Elf Transmission
After diving into the deep end, we get back to fundamentals: parsing bitstreams represented in hexadecimal.
D2FE28 EE00D40C823060 8A004A801A8002F478 620080001611562C8802118E34 C0015000016115A2E0802F182340 A0016C880162017C3686B18A3D4780
First we need to parse Hexadecimal into binary.
We’ll start with a test:
import : srfi :1 lists srfi :26 cut srfi :60 integers-as-bits {{{d16-parse-hexadecimal}}} {{{d16-parse-packets}}} equal? #*110100101111111000101000 hexadecimal->bits "D2FE28" equal? '(6 . 4) identify-packet #*110100101111111000101000 equal? 2021 literal-value-packet-data #*110100101111111000101000
;; snippet: {{{d16-parse-hexadecimal}}} define : hexadecimal->bits hex . "Turn hexadecimal string into a bitvector" apply bitvector ;; turn bits into efficient bitarray append-map (cut integer->list <> 4) ;; represent as bits map (cut string->number <> 16) ;; parse as hexadecimal map string ;; turn back to one-element strings string->list hex ;; split into characters
;; snippet: {{{d16-parse-packets}}} define : bitvector->integer vec list->integer bitvector->list vec define : identify-packet packet . "Return (version . type) for the PACKET." define version : bitvector->integer : bitvector-copy packet 0 3 define type : bitvector->integer : bitvector-copy packet 3 6 cons version type define : literal-value-packet-data packet let loop : (nibbles '()) (index 6) define nibble : bitvector-copy packet {index + 1} {index + 5} define value : cons nibble nibbles if : not : bitvector-bit-set? packet index list->integer : apply append : reverse! : map bitvector->list value loop value {index + 5}