GNU/Linux users per 1000 windows users

TLDR: In 2020 the fraction of Linux users doubled compared to Windows users. Compared to 2008 the Linux-user fraction rose by factor 5.

Every year people ask “is it finally the year of the Linux Desktop?”.

In 2020 the answer is clear: since 2008 almost every year was a year of the Linux Desktop: Compared to Windows users there was reliable superlinear growth:

PDF (drucken)

The source of this graph is data I collected over the past decade every July from OS market share. Except for the 2022 data which is from October because I missed taking the data point in time. They do browser detection, so the data is far from perfect, but at least they have data we can use:

2008 8.6 GNU/kw
2009 11 GNU/kw
2010 10 GNU/kw
2011 11 GNU/kw
2012 12 GNU/kw
2013 14 GNU/kw
2014 19 GNU/kw
2015 18 GNU/kw
2016 22 GNU/kw
2017 25 GNU/kw
2018 21 GNU/kw
2019 24 GNU/kw
2020 41 GNU/kw
2021 20 GNU/kw
2022 27 GNU/kw
2023 30 GNU/kw

GNU/Linux is growing. (though there is a dip during the pandemic)

When will you migrate? Did you migrate already?

This is based on an older German article I wrote in 2010 and updated regularly: GNU/Linux gewinnt gegenüber Windows und MacOSX an Marktanteil


ArneBab 2020-12-22 Di 00:00 - Impressum - GPLv3 or later (code), cc by-sa (rest)