Kurzgeschichten - Lieder - RPG über mich Links - Gedichte - krude Ideen

Arne Bab.
E-Mail: Arne Bab.


Suddenly the wall was in front of him. To the right he saw a big trash-container. Behind him the sound of heavy boots hitting the streets came closer. Maybe he could get out of the deadway before they blocked it. Desperately the nearly 18 year old man turned around and started to run. Dirt and mud splashed under his worn out shoes.
There it was. Only 10 meters in front of him, but lasting forever for the afraid. Now he saw the edge, but at that moment his pursuers appeared around it, their guns aimed at him.
Suddenly he tripped. His right foot bent too far and he fell face-down into the dirt. The hard asphalt under the dirt ripped his hands and knees open. The dirt in his mouth tasted like excrements, but he didn't take notice, too great was his fear to be caught by the gang. Hastily he jumped on his feet and slumped instantly back to the ground as incredible pain soared from his foot up his veins like liquid fire. Tears of pain and fear dropped on the ground and disappeared in the mud. His hands cramped and shook, but he clawed the dirt to pull himself further into the street.
Suddenly they were over him. A heavy boot was placed on his neck and then they began.
He could hear the breaking of his ribs as one of them hit his chest. Uncountable times they beat him. Then all stopped at once. One moment later something was attached to his bad leg and he heard a starting motor of a heavy roadbuster. A deep voice caught his attention: "Maybe his sister will be more willing." And everything disappeared in a sea of pain. They pulled him over the streets, ripping him open to the bones.
An endless time of horrible pain later, the machine stopped. A dirty hand pulled his head up and lifted his eyelids. Then the formerly heard voice broke into terrible laughter. His head was bend to the side and his eyes forced open. After he regained focus and recognized the two bodies lying next to him he nearly died. His mother and sister, naked and still bleeding. The once beautiful faces ripped open and the eyes cut out of their heads.
As he realized what he was seeing, a wall inside him broke down. He felt energy roaring through the breach, white hot and tingling. As it touched his wounds they began to close, hurting more terrible than ever before.
But slowly the pain faded. A few moments later only an weak throbbing remained.
As he looked around he saw the gangers staring at him. Slowly he lifted himself on his knees. Then he stood. Anger and hate, hot as the white energy filled him.
He focused at his torturers and saw their feelings flowing around them in colors.
Then he released the power and the gangers began to scream as one and everything went black.
As he awoke bright light blinded him.
After a few moments he heard a monotone voice adressing him: "Good morning Mister. You are now a member of the fourth security division of Lone-Star Seattle North. Your income is about 10.000¥ per month, including success donation, a Doc-Wagin Gold treaty and a free membership in the Lone-Star-Security-Mages circle. The trial of mass-murder is aborted. Your partner will give you further instruction." Then the voice faded away.
As his eyes grew used to the light he saw the room around him for te first time. Clothed in a Lone-Star uniform he lay on a white bed. To his right he saw a big mirror, showing himself and behind the bed a young, bright eyed woman looking directly at him. Turning his head to the left he answered her look. She had a bright, nearly white skin, clear blue eyes and hair as white as snow. Her delicate features were underlined by the armored uniform she wore, only the slightly hard look in her eyes didn't fit with her youth. She appeared as at most 18 years, possibly even younger. He didn't know the Star did recruit so young people, but since he wasn't older it seemed possible.
Suddenly she got up. "You heard it. Come on, I'll show you around."
Slowly he rose and followed her somewhat irritated to the rooms door at the foot-side of the be which she opened with a touch of her thump.
Before she walked through, the woman turned around. The hardness in her eyes disappeared and made way for a warm smile as she said: "Besides, happy birthday!"
Arne Babenhauserheide
