Alice Brian Carol
The Alphabet in names, but not the standard names, but scientist names; with colors and usable for plantuml. Created because Names are easier to follow than saying “A, B, C”. That’s especially true for lecture slides and other graphics.
skinparam actorStyle awesome :Alice: as A #Bisque :Brian: as B #CornflowerBlue :Carol: as C #Thistle :David: as D #YellowGreen :Elena: as E #Coral :Frank: as F #Aquamarine :Gerty: as G #Orange :Henry: as H #ForestGreen :Irène: as I #FireBrick :James: as J #MediumBlue :Klara: as K #DarkMagenta :Mario: as M #DarkOliveGreen :Nelly: as N #Orchid :Osamu: as O #DeepSkyBlue :Pearl: as P #SlateBlue :Quinn: as Q #LimeGreen :Rita: as R #Tomato :Shuji: as S #SteelBlue :Toni: as T #IndianRed :Ulf: as U #DarkSeaGreen :Viola: as V #GoldenRod :Willy: as W #Turquoise :Xiaowei: as X #HotPink :Yuan: as Y #GreenYellow :Zoia: as Z #Gold
The names in a table for copying:
Letter | Name | Color |
A | Alice | Bisque |
B | Brian | CornflowerBlue |
C | Carol | Thistle |
D | David | YellowGreen |
E | Elena | Coral |
F | Frank | Aquamarine |
G | Gerty | Orange |
H | Henry | ForestGreen |
I | Irène | FireBrick |
J | James | MediumBlue |
K | Klara | DarkMagenta |
M | Mario | DarkOliveGreen |
N | Nelly | Orchid |
O | Osamu | DeepSkyBlue |
P | Pearl | SlateBlue |
Q | Quinn | LimeGreen |
R | Rita | Tomato |
S | Shuji | SteelBlue |
T | Toni | IndianRed |
U | Ulf | DarkSeaGreen |
V | Viola | GoldenRod |
W | Willy | Turquoise |
X | Xiaowei | HotPink |
Y | Yuan | GreenYellow |
Z | Zoia | Gold |
These are first names from scientists, nobel price winners where possible, split evenly between women and men.
And yes, you might want to read up on the people behind the names ☺
This is nothing big, and you could also just use ITU/ICAO/NATO Alphabet, but I like using scientist names, so I’m sharing this.