Was nirgendwo anders passt, weil keine Schublade alles erfasst
- alice-brian-carol - Alice Brian Carol
- data-detox - Was will welche App, und will ich es ihr geben?
- honest-marketing - Communicating your project: honest marketing for free software projects
- latex-fonts - Top 20 Latex Fonts
- mathe-ass - Mathe Ass | Ace Maths
- rechenaufgaben-grundschule - Zufällig erstellte Rechenaufgaben für Grundschulkinder
- taijiquan-form - Taijiquan 24 Form | Tai Chi Peking Form | ☯👊24🗺
- team-starter - Team Starter
- weisheits-splitter - Weisheits Splitter
- Regenbogen-Ferienplan — Plan für 6 Wochen in LaTeX, z.B. für die Sommerferien.
- Zitate — Gesammelte Zitate, Sprüche und mehr
- Team Starter - How to build a skilled and healthy team quickly: Get a team of 8-12 people connected and up to speed in a week, 24 in two weeks, 30 in three weeks — while never having more than 7 people in any group. Build a healthy team of 100 people with just one hierarchy level within 6 weeks.