Wenn Wörter und Zeilen handeln
- vorlesung-netztechnik - Kommunikations- und Netztechnik an der Dualen Hochschule BW
- vorlesung-verteilte-systeme - Verteilte Systeme an der Dualen Hochschule BW
Guile, Guix and Wisp
- advent-of-wisp-code-2021 - Advent of Wisp Code 2021
- guile-10x - 10 ways GNU Guile is 10x better
- guile-capture-stdout-stderr - Capturing stderr and stdout from a subprocess in GNU Guile
- guile-fast - Is Guile fast?
- guile-snippets - Small snippets of Guile Scheme
- guix-config - Configuration of my Guix System, commented
- guix-work - Using GNU Guix Linux for software development
- install-on-guix - Installing a Program on Guix
- package-guix - Howto update a Guix package
- programming-basics-wisp - Naming and Logic ,Hello
- programming-with-wisp - Programming with Wisp, Quick start from zero to best practices
- wisp-code-katas - Code Katas in Scheme with Wisp
- wisp - wisp: Whitespace to Lisp
- wisp-snippets - Small Snippets with Wisp
- zen-for-scheme - A Zen for Scheme
Emacs and Org mode
- emacs-daytime - Emacs Org Clock Agenda Daytime Mode
- emacs-javascript - Using Emacs for Javascript development
- intellij-emacs - What I need from IntelliJ and what I deeply miss when I’m not using Emacs
- mercurial-ediff3-emacs - Using ediff3 from Emacs as merge-tool in Mercurial (hg)
- orgmode-markdown - Org mode or Markdown? org-mode uses a line starting with
= as title and =*
- decentralized-moderation - The path towards decentralized moderation
- freenet-hidden-channel - Establishing a hidden, encrypted communication channel over Freenet
- kontaktinfos-mit-gnupg - Infos zur verschlüsselten Kontaktaufnahme mit GnuPG für Webseiten
- letterblock-diceware - Letterblock Diceware Passwords
Tipps und Tricks
- emacs-tipps - Emacs Tipps & Tricks
- mercurial-branching-strategy - A complete Mercurial branching strategy
- org-mode-tipps - How to do X with Emacs Org-Mode
- shell-tricks - Small snippets worth sharing: A collection of tricks to solve common problems
Weitere Artikel
- better-code-review - Unhappy with code review tools: can’t we do better?
- chatkontrolle - Die EU plant verpflichtende Rasterfahndung auf allen Handies
- comment-your-code - Please comment your code
- ferienplan - Regenbogen-Ferienplan für die Sommerferien in LaTeX
- ffmpeg-compression-vp9-av1 - Extreme compression of Video with VP9 and AV1 (webm) using ffmpeg
- find-dorktower - Find a Dork Tower Comic Strip I remember with OCR and agrep
- firefox-usercount - Is Firefox currently losing many users?
- freenet-faq - Unofficial Freenet FAQ (questions and answers)
- freenet-hyphanet-the-long-game-de - Freenet / Hyphanet: the long game
- gnome-open-shell-here - Gnome Open Shell Here script that can deal with special characters
- gpl-or-later - Please use GPLv3 or later
- hurd-authorization-translator - Deferred Authorization translator for the Hurd
- hurd-development-environment - A GNU Hurd development environment
- hyphanet-people - Hyphanet: did it help people?
- install-freenet-linux - Install Freenet/Hyphanet on a GNU/Linux server
- keyboard-layout-evolution - Evolutionary optimization of keyboard layouts
- langsame-simple-werkzeuge - Langsame, simple Werkzeuge machen dümmer
- latex-awesome - LaTeX is awesome
- latex-list-of-links - Adding a list of links to a LaTeX document
- learn-fortran - Fastest Way to learn Fortran
- levine-2017-errors - Errors in the Levine 2017 paper on attacks against Freenet
- m3u-player - m3u-Playlist player in Vanilla Javascript
- optimize-for-firefox - The missing articles: how to optimize your website for Firefox?
- privacy-embed - Simplest possible privacy preserving embedding
- programs-you-can-still-hack-when-dumb - Write programs you can still hack when you feel dumb
- slow-simple-tools - Slow, simple tools make you dumber
- stream-over-freenet - How to stream into Freenet / Hyphanet
- stundenplan-wochenplan-latex - Stundenplan oder Wochenplan - Template in LaTeX
- tinkering-stability - Iterative Tinkering depends on API stability
- typescript-risks - Materialized Typescript Risks
- video-channel-hyphanet - Provide your own video channel via Freenet / Hyphanet
- volatile-infrastructure - Volatile Infrastructure is worse than volatile applications
- websocket-bouncer - Konzept: Websocket-Bouncer
Wichtige Artikel woanders
- Reflections on Proprietary Software — “This is why, I believe, proprietary software, with its inherent power imbalance favouring developers over users, leads to unethical behaviour and exploitation of users.”
- Things You Should Never Do, Part I — do not rewrite from scratch. You will lose your bugfixes and die before you regain momentum.
- Apprenticeship Patterns — understand your life as developer in patterns, and learn to recognize ways forward.
- Sexuality and sexism — why expressing sexuality in tech-communities typically leads to problems.
- The Lisp Curse — „technical issues in other programming languages are social issues in Lisp.“ Consequently, Guix and the SRFIs that make such a big difference for Scheme are social in nature.
- Public Money, Public Code! — Towards better Government software procurement, the Corona Warn App is a great start!
- The Toxicity of Public Multinational Corporations — “Instead of hydrogen … they burn good will.”
- Break-once, Break-everywhere, Break-forever [with] Forever-day bugs — on the Palladium security model and the secure enclave.
- Creative Code algorithms & techniques — generating complexity.
- Articles about Emacs from Chris Wellons — lots of optimization goodness from the author of elfeed, the best way to read news via rss.
- Volatile Software — do not be the tool which breaks by itself or other tools on update.
- Software developers should avoid traumatic changes — two kinds of trauma: everything needs work to get working again or to get idiomatic again.
- The Little Schemer — fun and with a density of deep insights rarely found in programming books.
- The Algorithm Design Manual — understanding algorithm and datastructure design in-depth while never losing the hands-on approach.
- The Computer Language Benchmarks Game — the go-to resource for benchmarks between programming languages that are open about their shortcomings.
- Free Software 4 Remote Working — recommendations from FSFE.
- Delightful gems of Freedom — how to do it with FOSS.
- Live Streaming HowTo — using Free Software for serving a few hundred people from a home computer with quality sufficient for a music convention.
- Teach, Don’t Tell — how to write documentation that helps. Also see The 4 types of technical documentation for an overview.
- Technik-Tipps fürs Homeoffice — Viele Werkzeugempfehlungen von Digitalcourage.
- Data Detox für Jugendliche — Grundlagen für sichere Benutzung von Smartphones. Kennen auch die meisten Erwachsenen nicht. Sollten sie aber.
- Digitale Selbstverteidigung — Werkzeugempfehlungen von Digital Courage.
- Neo Layout — Die Tastatur ist die zentrale Schnittstelle beim Programmieren. Eine optimierte Tastenbelegung schützt unser wichtigstes Werkzeug: unsere Hände.
More links
- Riastradh's Lisp Style Rules — also the programming style for Guile Scheme.