Zwillingssterns Weltenwald

🇩🇪 Willkommen im Weltenwald!

Ich hoffe, Du findest Anregungen zum Denken und Träumen!

🇬🇧 Welcome to the world tree site.

I hope it gives you food for thought and dreams!

Bonvenon al la retejo de Arne Babenhauserheide ((λ()'Dr.ArneBab))

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Tanz mit der Schlange

Eine Earthdawn Kampagne: Chona, T’Skrang Schwertmeister, der Troll-Luftpirat Targ, der Windling-Heiler Quendan und die Windling-Tiermeisterin Sambucus Bingel haben sich auf einem Flussboot getroffen. Unser Weg beginnt mit der Suche nach Pilzen in einem Tempel im Dschungel.


Unhappy with code review tools: can’t we do better?

I’ve been unhappy with code review tools for a long time now. What I want to do:


Die Stärke der Demokratie

Demokratie ist das System, das Macht über Andere minimiert. Auch wenn sie manchmal frustrierend scheint und immer wieder korrumpiert wird: Demokratie ist das beste System, das möglich ist.


Sketchy Beats (game)

Spring Lisp Game Jam 2024 is running and Guile Hoot just released 0.4.1 with a game jam template enabling Scheme-games to run in modern browsers, so it’s time to try building a fun little Beat-em-Up.


Wähle Dein Schicksal

Achte auf Deine Gedanken,
sie werden Deine Worte,
werden Deine Taten,
werden Dein Charakter,
wird Dein selbstgewähltes Schicksal.


Depending on the group, roleplaying can be very, very different.

I played an addicted character who got deceived and misled by a bard who wanted to drag him into a terrorist uprising (and I reported him to the judicator after 24 hours of play — one of the hardest decisions I took in gaming groups).


Iterative Tinkering depends on API stability

Sacha Chua writes how she tinkers incrementally, finding time between tasks, asking “What's the smallest step I can take? What can I fit in 15-30 minutes?” — Choosing what to hack on. This approach improves the work environment step by step to become better than any other. In a similar way, I now ended up using exwm, and while not perfect, it just works better for me than all other systems.


EU STOA High level conference on “Protecting online privacy by enhancing IT security”, 2015

2015 I was part of an expert conference on online privacy by the EU parliament.¹ Many of the proposals made then are real today.


Emacs Org Clock Agenda Daytime Mode

A simple Emacs mode which shows the clocked time today in the modeline. It uses the time clocked in org-agenda-files. The main goal is to always see how much I already worked, so I see more easily whether it is time to stop.


Hyphanet: did it help people?

“what I'm really wondering is, if all the networks have really helped people over the years”


Leser:innenbriefe wirken

Ich dachte lange, wenn es auf einen Leser:innenbrief keine Antwort gibt, bewirkt er nichts. Dann gab es eine Sendung im DLF, in der sie indirekt sagten, dass sie die Ausrichtung wegen der vielen E-Mails von AfD’ern geändert haben.


woanders / elsewhere

(alle Einträge: external-rss — weitere auf meiner alten Seite, auf der ganz alten Seite, auf meinem GNU social, im Forum Tanelorn und auf rollenspiel.social).

[2024-07-26 Fr 21:46]

When did 1000 people start following me?

I’m surprised because I didn’t notice the change from 500 to 1000 until now.

Thank you for considering what I write interesting enough to pull it into your feed!



[2024-07-26 Fr 19:48]

Thank you for testing, #gamedev folks here!

That the processes stayed stable means that I managed to fix at least parts of the resource leaks that regularly broke the game up to last week!

Attached is a simple first evaluation of the system load in CPU and Memory of each of the three #Guile processes running behind the #nginx.

Extra thanks to @vampirdaddy for structured load testing!

It showed that with more than the micro-VPS it has now, this may be able to scale to 3k simultaneous users.


[2024-07-26 Fr 16:50]

Please reply when you opened 10 tabs so I have some independent data to compare the load data to.

I plan to gather load data for around 24h and plot it afterwards.

When the memory load in the plot then suddenly drops, the processes died and got restarted.


[2024-07-26 Fr 16:49]


Can you help me load-test the dryads sun Guile game server? I’d need about 30-100 people who open 10 tabs each with https://dryads-wake.1w6.org/sun to see whether it survives. And close after about 10 minutes. (I optimized it, so it reaps local data when a tab’s closed, and there are now 3 instances running behind an nginx server).


for i in {1..10}; do icecat https://dryads-wake.1w6.org/sun ; done # or

for i in {1..10}; do firefox https://dryads-wake.1w6.org/sun ;done

I expect this to die at 300 users.


[2024-07-25 Do 15:21]


ArneBab - Impressum - GPLv3 or later (code), cc by-sa (rest)