Sending email to many people with Emacs Wanderlust

I recently needed to send an email to many people1.

Putting all of them into the BCC field did not work (mail rejected by provider) and when I split it into 2 emails, many did not see my mail because it was flagged as potential spam (they were not in the To-Field)2.

I did not want to put them all into the To-Field, because that would have spread their email-addresses around, which many would not want3.

So I needed a different solution. Which I found in the extensibility of emacs and wanderlust4. It now carries the name wl-draft-send-to-multiple-receivers-from-buffer.

You simply write the email as usual via wl-draft, then put all email addresses you want write to into a buffer and call M-x wl-draft-send-to-multiple-receivers-from-buffer. It asks you about the buffer with email addresses, then shows you all addresses and asks for confirmation.

Then it sends one email after the other, with a randomized wait of 0-10 seconds between messages to avoid flagging as spam.

If you want to use it, just add the following to your .emacs:

(defun wl-draft-clean-mail-address (address)
  (replace-regexp-in-string "," "" address))
(defun wl-draft-send-to-multiple-receivers (addresses) (loop for address in addresses do (progn (wl-user-agent-insert-header "To" (wl-draft-clean-mail-address address)) (let ((wl-interactive-send nil)) (wl-draft-send)) (sleep-for (random 10)))))
(defun wl-draft-send-to-multiple-receivers-from-buffer (&optional addresses-buffer-name) "Send a mail to multiple recipients - one recipient at a time" (interactive "BBuffer with one address per line") (let ((addresses nil)) (with-current-buffer addresses-buffer-name (setq addresses (split-string (buffer-string) "\n"))) (if (y-or-n-p (concat "Send this mail to " (mapconcat 'identity addresses ", "))) (wl-draft-send-to-multiple-receivers addresses))))

Happy Hacking!

  1. The email was about the birth of my second child, and I wanted to inform all people I care about (of whom I have the email address), which amounted to 220 recipients. 

  2. Naturally this technique could be used for real spamming, but to be frank: People who send spam won’t need it. They will already have much more sophisticated methods. This little trick just reduces the inconvenience brought upon us by the measures which are necessary due to spam. Otherwise I could just send a mail with 1000 receivers in the BCC field - which is how it should be. 

  3. It only needs one careless friend, and your connections to others get tracked in facebook and the likes. For more information on Facebook, see Stallman about Facebook

  4. Sure, there are also template mails and all such, but learning to use these would consume just as much time as extending emacs - and would be much less flexible: Should I need other ways to transform my mails, I’ll be able to just reuse my code. 

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