With Python from the Shadows

- Written by Draketo aka Arne Babenhauserheide, originally to the melody of Moonlight Shadow on 22.2.08 but switched on 2008-06-27 to be able to put a recording under free licenses -

Audio-files: ogg
This recording is part of the music podcast singing in the winds of time.

With Python from the Shadows

First time ever I saw it,
carried away by its lightweight structure,
My heart grew fuzzy and sunlit,
carried away by its lightweight structure,

All I saw was the relevant part,
deep inside every programs core,
It flowed like my thoughts but it looked like art,
So clear that at once I saw through.


The bridge of doom I was then crossing,
carried away by its lightweight structure,
The guardsman into darkness tossing,
carried away by its lightweight structure,

( "What is the fastest way to store a list of unicode chars?"
"A mutable or an immutable list?"
"I don't know... Aaaargh!" )

It's a month now since I passed that whitening guard,
deep inside every programs core,
To know what I want is the hardest part,
since the code I can simply see through.


Ref: I chime, I rime, see you with Python all the time,
I chime, I rime, see you with Python, next time.


Four a.m. in the morning,
carried away by its lightweight structure,
you can see my fingers are still coding,
carried away by its lightweight structure,

All it takes is an idea in me,
For stuff inside any programs core,
And the code flows freely for my mindview to see,
So clear that at once I see through.


- Ref -


carried away by its lightweight structure,
carried away by its lightweight structure,

I write too late, even typing grows hard,
The night is heavy and my lids will not part,
but my mind can still simply see through.

with-python-from-the-shadows-own-melody.ogg1.35 MB
With Python from the Shadows-with-chords.txt2.59 KB

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