I will use technical means to realize the zen of tolerance.
Tolerance for intolerance is self-defeating. Continuous disruption of communication is censorship.
Constant outrage disrupts communication. As does constant mocking.
This could also be called the paradox of free speech: your freedom of speech is worth as much as mine. It ends where it impedes on mine. And vice versa.
In Freenet, the decentralized FMS forums and the WebOfTrust plugin implement a technical method which can be used to realize this.
First published on random_babcom, my Freenet Sharesite.
Use Node:
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If the box below shows an error-page, you need to install Freenet with the Sone-Plugin or set the node-path to your freenet node and click the Reload Comments button (or return).
If you see something like Invalid key: java.net.MalformedURLException: There is no @ in that URI! (Sone/search.html)
, you need to setup Sone and the Web of Trust
If you had Javascript enabled, you would see comments for this page instead of the Sone page of the sites author.
Note: To make a comment which isn’t a reply visible to others here, include a link to this site somewhere in the text of your comment. It will then show up here. To ensure that I get notified of your comment, also include my Sone-ID.
Link to this site and my Sone ID: sone://6~ZDYdvAgMoUfG6M5Kwi7SQqyS-gTcyFeaNN1Pf3FvY
This spam-resistant comment-field is made with babcom.