Update 2017: a block with
sem -j ...
seems to block in recent versions of Emacs until all subtasks are done. It would be great if someone could figure out why (though it likely is the right thing to do). To circumvent that, you can daemonize the job in sem, but that might have unwanted side-effects:sem "[job] &"
Emacs Org-mode provides the wonderful babel-capability: Including code-blocks in any language directly in org-mode documents in plain text.
In default usage, running such code freezes my emacs until the code is finished, though.
Up to a few weeks ago, I solved this with a custom function, which spawns a new emacs as script runner for the specific code:
; Execute babel source blocks asynchronously by just opening a new emacs. (defun bab/org-babel-execute-src-block-new-emacs () "Execute the current source block in a separate emacs, so we do not block the current emacs." (interactive) (let ((line (line-number-at-pos)) (file (buffer-file-name))) (async-shell-command (concat "TERM=vt200 emacs -nw --find-file " file " --eval '(goto-line " (number-to-string line) ")' --eval " "'(let ((org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil))(org-babel-execute-src-block t))' " "--eval '(kill-emacs 0)'"))))
and its companion for exporting to beamer-latex presentation pdf:
; Export as pdf asynchronously by just opening a new emacs. (defun bab/org-beamer-export-new-emacs () "Export the current file in a separate emacs, so we do not block the current emacs." (interactive) (let ((line (line-number-at-pos)) (file (buffer-file-name))) (async-shell-command (concat "TERM=vt200 emacs -nw --find-file " file " --eval '(goto-line " (number-to-string line) ")' --eval " "'(let ((org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil))(org-beamer-export-to-pdf))' " "--eval '(kill-emacs 0)'"))))
But for shell-scripts there’s a much simpler alternative:
How to add show multiple images on one page in the latex-export of emacs org-mode. I had this problem. This is my current solution.