
Freenet / Hyphanet: The forgotten cypherpunk paradise


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A long time ago in a chatroom far away, select groups of crypto-anarchists gathered to discuss the death of privacy since the NSA could spy on all communications with ease. Among those who proposed technical solutions was a student who later published the widely regarded first paper on Freenet: A decentralized anonymous datastore which was meant to be a cypherpunk paradise: true censorship resistance, no central authority and long lifetime only for information which people were actually interested in.

Many years passed, two towers fell, the empire expanded its hunt for rebels all over the globe, and now, as the empire’s grip has become so horrid that even the most loyal servants of the emperors turn against them and expose their dark secrets to the masses, Freenet is still moving forward. Lost to the eye of the public, Freenet shaped and reshaped itself - all the while maintaining its focus to provide true freedom of the press in the internet.

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