Dragon Cycle 3: Capture

Puny Human, what have you Done?!
You call powers, which aren't yours to control,
which will sweep all away, when used in war.

The bonds on this, my body, will not hold forever,
and when they perish, so will You!

Back off in fear, that I might use what you did,
which neither Dragon nor Human should ever touch.

Why don't you leave wizard?

Show me that, which you clutch in your robes,
black as they are to block my view.

No! You know not, what you do!
I call on all you learned through your study of magic,
don't soil your soul any more
by forcing what is immortal
into your human shape!

Don't you dare!
You and your offspring
shall be hunted by all dragons
for now and forever!

A childs voice: "Where am I? Where am I?"

Act: *drop down and look up like an innocent unknowing child.*

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