How E-Mail with GnuPG could hide when you talk, where you talk from and what you talk about.
or in technical terms:
E-Mail with perfect forward security, hidden subject and masked date using GnuPG and better frontends.
Update 2018: Some of these ideas are becoming real and widespread now with pΞp (pretty-easy-privacy) and the autocrypt-standard.
If you regularly read my articles, you’ll know that I’m a proponent of connecting over Freenet to regain confidential and pseudonymous communication.
Here I want to show how it would be possible to use E-Mail with GnuPG to get close to the confidentiality of Freenet friend-to-friend communication, because we have the tech (among the most heavily scrutinized and well-tested technology we use today) and we have the infrastructure. All it requires are more intelligent E-Mail clients. Better UI which makes the right thing easy.
Eine verschlüsselte E-Mail zu schicken ist einfach. Hier will ich dir in 3 Schritten zeigen, wie du mich erreichen kannst. Ich zeige die Schritte für eine Reihe verschiedener Programme, sowohl für Windows als auch für OSX und GNU/Linux.
Das Programm dafür ist GnuPG: Frei lizensiert und der langjährige Standard für sichere Verschlüsselung von E-Mails.