
Immutable function arguments and variables

  1. Dev A: “Fortran is totally outdated.”
  2. Dev B: “I wish we could declare objects in function arguments or variable values as immutable in Java and Javascript.”

Fortran developer silently weeps:

! immutable 2D array as argument in Fortran
  integer, intent(in) :: arg(:,:)
! constant value
  character(len=10), parameter :: numbers = "0123456789"

See parameter vs. intent(in).

(yes, I’m currently reading a Javascript book)

Writing a commandline tool in Fortran

Here I want to show you how to write a commandline tool in Fortran. Because Fortran is much better than its reputation — most of all in syntax. I needed a long time to understand that — to get over my predjudices — and I hope I can help you save some of that time.1

This provides a quick-start into Fortran. After finishing it, I suggest having a look at Fortran surprises to avoid stumbling over differences between Fortran and many other languages.

  1. After I finished my Diploma, I thought of Fortran as "this horribly unreadable 70th language". I thought it should be removed and that it only lived on due to pure inertia. I thought that its only deeper use were to provide the libraries to make numeric Python faster. Then I actually had to use it. In the beginning I mocked it and didn’t understand why anyone would choose Fortran over C. What I saw was mostly Fortran 77. The first thing I wrote was "Fortran surprises" — all the strange things you can stumble over. But bit by bit I realized the similarities with Python. That well-written Fortran actually did not look that different from Python — and much cleaner than C. That it gets stuff done. This year Fortran turns 60 (heise reported in German). And I understand why it is still used. And thanks to being an ISO standard it is likely that it will stick with us and keep working for many more decades. 

Surprising behaviour of Fortran (90/95)

1 Introduction

I recently started really learning Fortran (as opposed to just dabbling with existing code until it did what I wanted it to).

Here I document the surprises I found along the way.

If you want a quick start into Fortran, I’d suggest to begin with the tutorial Writing a commandline tool in Fortran and then to come back here to get the corner cases right.

As reference: I come from Python, C++ and Lisp, and I actually started to like Fortran while learning it. So the horror-stories I heard while studying were mostly proven wrong. I uploaded the complete code as base60.f90.

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