
Immutable function arguments and variables

  1. Dev A: “Fortran is totally outdated.”
  2. Dev B: “I wish we could declare objects in function arguments or variable values as immutable in Java and Javascript.”

Fortran developer silently weeps:

! immutable 2D array as argument in Fortran
  integer, intent(in) :: arg(:,:)
! constant value
  character(len=10), parameter :: numbers = "0123456789"

See parameter vs. intent(in).

(yes, I’m currently reading a Javascript book)

Which language is best, C, C++, Python or Java?

My answer to the question about the best language on Quora. If you continue reading from here, please stick with me to the end. Ready to read to the end? Enjoy the ride!

My current answer is: Scheme ☺ It gives me a large degree of freedom to explore ways to program which were much harder hard to explore in Python, C++ and Java. That’s why I’m currently switching from Python to Scheme.1

But depending on my current step on the road to improve my skills2 and the development group and project, that answer might have been any other language — C, C++, Java, Python, Fortran, R, Ruby, Haskell, Go, Rust, Clojure, ….

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