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arnebab: RT @erkanyilmaz I've watched many Star Trek movies and/or series

Fr, 05/17/2013 - 12:52
RT @erkanyilmaz I've watched many Star Trek movies and/or series
Kategorien: Ich

arnebab: RT @sandersch @erkanyilmaz are you a trekkie?

Fr, 05/17/2013 - 12:52
RT @sandersch @erkanyilmaz are you a trekkie?
Kategorien: Ich

arnebab: RT @erkanyilmaz welcome to the #federation :-)

Fr, 05/17/2013 - 12:51
RT @erkanyilmaz welcome to the # :-)
Kategorien: Ich

arnebab: @macgirvin: So: I disagree with you on some details, but I still think that your choice is great! See Sayre’s Law ☺

Fr, 05/17/2013 - 12:42
@macgirvin: So: I disagree with you on some details, but I still think that your choice is great! See Sayre’s Law ☺
Kategorien: Ich

arnebab: @macgirvin: We differ in where we put the emphasis, and both choices are valid: Both are compatible with free software.

Fr, 05/17/2013 - 12:36
@macgirvin: We differ in where we put the emphasis, and both choices are valid: Both are compatible with free software.
Kategorien: Ich

arnebab: @macgirvin: You cannot have 100% freedom for you and 100% freedom for others at the same time. Their weighting is the choice to take.

Fr, 05/17/2013 - 12:32
@macgirvin: You cannot have 100% freedom for you and 100% freedom for others at the same time. Their weighting is the choice to take.
Kategorien: Ich

arnebab: @macgirvin: More exactly: To me freedom in !freesoftware is about choice (freedom for me) and responsibility (freedom for others).

Fr, 05/17/2013 - 12:29
@macgirvin: More exactly: To me freedom in !freesoftware is about choice (freedom for me) and responsibility (freedom for others).
Kategorien: Ich

arnebab: @macgirvin: My freedom ends where your freedom begins. Take a complex system (life) and that is no longer black and white.

Fr, 05/17/2013 - 12:28
@macgirvin: My freedom ends where your freedom begins. Take a complex system (life) and that is no longer black and white.
Kategorien: Ich

arnebab: @macgirvin: To me freedom in !freesoftware is about choice (choosing my own path) and responsibility (being a good neighbor).

Fr, 05/17/2013 - 12:26
@macgirvin: To me freedom in !freesoftware is about choice (choosing my own path) and responsibility (being a good neighbor).
Kategorien: Ich

arnebab: Where are you on the social structure continuum? Power to the individual or to the community - or something in between?

Fr, 05/17/2013 - 12:24
Where are you on the social structure continuum? Power to the individual or to the community - or something in between?
Kategorien: Ich

arnebab: @macgirvin: …and keep in mind how and where your choice affects others. Reminds me of the individualism vs. community axis:

Fr, 05/17/2013 - 12:22
@macgirvin: …and keep in mind how and where your choice affects others. Reminds me of the individualism vs. community axis:
Kategorien: Ich

arnebab: yepp :)

Fr, 05/17/2013 - 12:17
yepp :)
Kategorien: Ich

arnebab: /me prepares to have an alternative once !identica leaves !statusnet

Fr, 05/17/2013 - 09:45
/me prepares to have an alternative once !identica leaves !statusnet
Kategorien: Ich

arnebab: @mrb: cool, thanks for checking!

Fr, 05/17/2013 - 09:44
@mrb: cool, thanks for checking!
Kategorien: Ich

arnebab: also jquery is a library: If new versions go bad, devs can just keep the old. Comm software is different: it needs compatibility.

Fr, 05/17/2013 - 09:39
also jquery is a library: If new versions go bad, devs can just keep the old. Comm software is different: it needs compatibility.
Kategorien: Ich

arnebab: Do you know, why my !statusnet shows links like these? (triple slashes)

Fr, 05/17/2013 - 09:35
Do you know, why my !statusnet shows links like these? (triple slashes)
Kategorien: Ich

arnebab: As a *user*, copyleft gives me a huge assurance that the project will remain free (real copyleft: no copyright assignment, multiple owners).

Fr, 05/17/2013 - 09:24
As a *user*, copyleft gives me a huge assurance that the project will remain free (real copyleft: no copyright assignment, multiple owners).
Kategorien: Ich

arnebab: Yes, exactly. Which is why I would rather use a feature equal copyleft project from someone else than the permissive one from you.

Fr, 05/17/2013 - 09:21
Yes, exactly. Which is why I would rather use a feature equal copyleft project from someone else than the permissive one from you.
Kategorien: Ich

arnebab: @industrialrobot ah, ok. so rather different algos than floating point… (or less polish)

Do, 05/16/2013 - 22:32
@industrialrobot ah, ok. so rather different algos than floating point… (or less polish)
Kategorien: Ich
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