Lots of site uploads into freenet

I just finished lots of new uploads of sites into freenet - with the new freesitemgr (which actually uploads quickly when WoT is disabled, check todays IRC-logs tomorrow to get background on that). You can get the new freesitemgr from github.com/ArneBab/lib-pyfreenet-staging or via infocalypse:

hg clone freenet://USK@kDVhRYKItV8UBLEiiEC8R9O8LdXYNOkPYmLct9oT9dM%2CdcEYugEmpW6lb9fe4UzrJ1PgyWfe0Qto2GCdEgg-OgE%2CAQACAAE/pyfreenet.R1/14 

The sites are also available via my freenet inproxy:

freenet-team - an introduction of most of the freenet hackers I know.

mathmltest - example of mathml in freenet.

winterface-deadlines - deadlines for the Winterface GSoC project

freenet-funding - the freenet fundraising plan, still lacking good design and crisp presentation slides or a video

freenet-meltdown - on the recent massive performance degradation which lasted a few month and ended with the link length fix.

fix-link-length - background on the link-length fix which made freenet actually do small world routing again instead of random routing (into which it had degraded, partially due to local requests, partially due to having so many peers per node that random routing actually worked for the current network size, so the pressure by routing-success to go back to small world routing was too weak compared to the pressure from local requests to randomize the connections)

download-web-site - how to download a single page from a website - for example to mirror it into freenet. Hint: For all the sites on draketo.de or 1w6.org you are allowed to do so freely (licensed under GPL).

guiledocs - the online documentation for GNU Guile with a focus on Scheme (using Guile): A powerful lisp-like language with multiple implementations.

decorrespondent-metadata - experiment how much information one can glean about your life from just one week of metadata, in dutch.

netzpolitiz-metadaten - same article translated to german. License: cc by-nc-sa

Adventures of a Pythonista in Schemeland - the adventures of a Pythonista in Schemeland: A deep understanding of Scheme for Python users. I learned to love Scheme with this. BSD license.

programming-languages - The Programming languages lecture. License: cc by-nc-sa

tao of programming - "When you have learned to snatch the error code from the trap frame, it will be time for you to leave."

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