
7,26€ through Flattr last month

Last month I earned 7,26€ through my Flattr account (Flattr is a voluntary payment service where people can make micropayments if they like something - after enjoying it). The flattrs came in through just 4 items:

Thank you very much for your flattrs, dear supporters1! Thanks to you I could pay most of my server cost this month via the money from flattr - and that’s great!2

  1. This month I was flattred by eileentso, esocom, Elleo and a user who wanted to stay anonymous. Thank you again! 

  2. And being able to pay the server might become much more important in the following months, as soon as my wife’s parental money runs out and I need to finance the family from a (50%) PhD-salary for a year… 

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