GNU info
is lightyears ahead of man
in terms of features, with sub-pages, clickable links, topic-spanning search, clean html- and latex-export and efficient interactive navigation.
But man pages are still the de-facto standard for getting quick information on a GNU/Linux system.
This guide intends to help you change that for your system. It needs GNU texinfo >= 6.1
Update: If you prefer vi-keys, adjust the function below to call
info --vi-keys
instead of plaininfo
. You could then call that functioniv
Here's the simple steps to attach a GPL license to your source files (written after requests by DiggClone and Bandnet):
For your own project, just add the following text-notice to the header/first section of each of your source-files, commented out in whatever way your language uses:
----------------following is the notice-----------------
* Your Project Name - -you slogan-
* Copyright (C) 2007 - 2007 Your Name