The exhaustive guide to German Streets

This is no absolute truth.

Name For pedestrians For Bikes For Cars Special english
Autobahn - - x No Speedlimit, unless specified Autobahn
Bundesstraße - if no fahrradweg x paid by federal government road
Landstraße - if no fahrradweg x paid by county, often narrower road
Straße if no fußweg if no fahrradweg x   road
Gasse x x x mostly narrow road
Weg if no fußweg if no fahrradweg x often not paved way
Fahrradweg - x - - bikepath
Fußweg x depends - bikes can be allowed by a sign ?
Feldweg x x x often just a mudpath path
Waldweg x if wider than 2m depends no one adheres to the 2m  
Pfad x x depends often of clay or gravel path
Trampelpfad x if wider than 2m - mud, no one adheres to the 2m path
Wildwechsel x - - maybe mud, used by daring cyclists path

If you spot any type of road I missed, please write to with subject Straßenwissen.

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