GnuPG/PGP signature, short explanation

»What is the .asc file?« This explanation is intended to be copied as-is into emails when someone asks about your signature.

The .asc file is a signature which can be used to verify that the email was really sent by me and wasn’t tampered with.[1] It can be verified with standard email security tools like Enigmail[2], Gpg4win[3] or MacGPG[4] - and others tools supporting OpenPGP[5].

Best wishes,

[1]: For further information on signatures see

[2]: Enigmail enables secure communication in Thunderbird:

[3]: GPG4win provides secure encryption for Windows:

[4]: MacGPG provides encryption for MacOSX:

[5]: Encryption for other systems is available from the GnuPG website:

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