
Mercurial vs. Bazaar speedtest clone and log - update: hg 1.1 vs. bzr 1.10

I repeatet my test with the provided Python 2.x repos from the DVCS PEP for Python to check the performance of Bazaar and Mercurial.

All these tests are done only once with some mostly constant load, so they don't qualify as scientific tests, but they give a good impression of the differences between Bazaar (bzr) and Mercurial (hg).

- Bazaar 1.10
- Mercurial 1.1

This comparision should be fair since Bazaar 1.10 is more recent, but Mercurial 1.1 is a major release.

Mercurial vs. Bazaar speedtest clone and log (unscientific)

I just did a test with the provided Python 2.x repos from the DVCS PEP for Python to check the performance of Bazaar and Mercurial.

(this is a slightly changed version of a mail posted to the mercurial list: )

All these tests are done only once with some mostly constant load, so they don't qualitfy as scientific tests, but they give a good impressing of the differences between Bazaar (bzr) and Mercurial (hg).

- Bazaar 1.5
- Mercurial 1.0.2

These are the ones which are marked as stable in my Gentoo tree (amd64).

Leistungstests und Vergleiche, DVCS: Mercurial (hg) vs. Git vs. Bazaar(bzr), ...

Vergleiche | Comparisions

Es gibt inzwischen einige schöne Vergleiche von verschiedenen verteilten Versionsverwaltungssystemen im Netz, und da ich sie sowieso lese, habe ich hier jetzt eine Linkliste erstellt. There is now a nice collection of comparisions between distributed version tracking systems, and since I read them anyway, I decided to create a list of links.


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