22:33: Der erste Tag der #bdk22 ist vorbei. Die Delegierten kommen zu sinnvoller Zeit ins Bett, und das ist klasse! Ihr seid toll! Danke, dass ihr die Vorraussetzungen für qualitativ hochwertige Diskussionen schafft!
#ChatKontrolle gefährdet die ganze EU, wenn … … kompromittierende Inhalte über eins von von der Leyens Kindern über einen Maulwurf in der EU-Behörde an einen Drittstaat (hust Putin hust Xi hust Biden hust) weitergeleitet werden.
Article 3 would forbid working with information you find online.
But thanks to massive shared action earlier this year, the European parliament can still prevent the problems. For each of the articles there are proposals which fix them. The parliamentarians (MEPs) just have to vote for them. And since they are under massive pressure from large media companies, that went as far as defaming those who took action as fake people, the MEPs need to hear your voice to know that your are real.
If you care about the future of the Internet in the EU, please Call your MEPs.