A song from the icy lands

A song about sharing and free software and changing the world. Originally written to recreate the vision of the Polar Skulk in art.

Criticism and praise would be a great gift to the pup writing this song.

A song from the icy lands

Freedom for Music, for Movies and for every word,
Fighting is not quite absurd,
and we are peaceful, good and kind,
and fight for freedom of the mind.


Our world is ice,
but we're together,
calling to the moon,
the cousins of the wolf.

Our tales of freedom
light a fire
of love and family,
the song of foxes.

we teach the wolves,
and sing of beauty,
gather wisdom,
and sing the music of the world.

Our world is ice,
but we're together,
calling to the moon,
the cousins of the wolf.

Our tales of freedom
light a fire
of love and family,
the song of foxes.

we teach the wolves,
and sing of beauty,
gather wisdom,
and free the music of the world.


Our skulk is happy with that which is free,
we spread the free things which we see,
like Gnus, who made the firelight,
we spread the freedom in the night.


-Ref 1 but:

... learn the wisdom of the world

... free the wisdom of the world.


Each night we meet artists who give us their songs,
and more learn each day, where the music belongs,
and wherever we travel, a seed takes its hold,
and singing and dancing shine brighter than gold.

and wherever we travel, a seed takes its hold,
and singing and dancing grow stronger than gold.


-Ref 1 but:
... dance the rhythm of the world

... change the rhythm of the world.

If you liked the song from the icy lands, you might also like a tale of foxes and freedom and Infinite Hands.

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