
The assisted brain and the chained brain

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Who serves whom? Our tools can be our allies or our masters. Do your tools assist or chain?

(A)GPL as hack on a Python-powered copyright system

AGPL is a hack on copyright, so it has to use copyright, else it would not compile/run.

All the GPL licenses are a hack on copyright. They insert a piece of legal code into copyright law to force it to turn around on itself.

You run that on the copyright system, and it gives you code which can’t be made unfree.

To be able to do that, it has to be written in copyright language (else it could not be interpreted).

my_code = "<your code>"

def AGPL ( code ): 
    >>> is_free ( AGPL ( code ) )
    return eval (
        transform_to_free ( code ) )

copyright ( AGPL ( my_code ) )

You pass “AGPL ( code )” to the copyright system, and it ensures the freedom of the code.

Why free speech does not equal to the right of being heard

→ written in a discussion with Sascha1 in Freenet using Sone.

If free speech included being allowed to force all people to listen, then it would also include my right to force you to listen to everything I say.

Think this on the scale of 6 billion people all using freenet. Every one of them could force you to listen to him/her/it. Whom would you ignore?

Simple Emacs DarkRoom

I just realized that I let myself be distracted by all kinds of not-so-useful stuff instead of finally getting to type the text I already wanted to transcribe from stenografic at the beginning of … last week.


Let’s take a break for a screenshot of the final version, because that’s what we really want to gain from this article: a distraction-free screenshot as distraction from the text :)

Emacs darkroom, screenshot

As you can see, the distractions are removed — the screenshot is completely full screen and only the text is left. If you switch to the minibuffer (i.e. via M-x), the status bar (modeline) is shown.

Dragon Cycle

The War of Dragons and Birth of the Dragonriders Sung and played at FilkCONtinental 2004.

No music yet - but someday I'll get that recording...

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