Draketo neu

Studie: Die Aufnahme von Geflüchteten in Deutschland läuft immer besser

Draketo neu: Kommentare - Mi, 07/17/2024 - 20:45

Volksverpetzer erklärt die Details in einem Video:

Darüber spricht niemand! (youtube-link)

Eine aktuelle Studie zeigt, dass viele Kommunen zunehmend effizienter bei der Unterbringung und Unterstützung von Schutzsuchenden werden. Trotz Herausforderungen im Migrationsmanagement meistert ein Großteil der Kommunen die Situation erfolgreich.

Für Details und Grenzen schaut das Video.

Kategorien: Draketo neu, Ich, Neuigkeiten

Realistisch umsetzbar ist mehr als es oft scheint

Draketo neu: Kommentare - Mi, 07/17/2024 - 07:58

Kommentar zu dem Kommentar „nur solche Gesetze, die … realistischerweise umsetzbar sind“ zum Artikel Bundesregierung bricht Klimagesetz.

Realistisch umsetzbar ist viel mehr, als bisher gemacht wird — und auch als gebraucht wird.

Wir haben realistisch umsetzbar die finanziellen Mittel: 180 Milliarden jedes Jahr für Klimaschutz: 100 Milliarden Steuerhinterziehung, 60 Milliarden Klima- und Umweltschädliche Subventionen, 20 Milliarden Vermögenssteuer.¹

Wir haben realistisch umsetzbar sogar kostenneutrale Wege: Tempo 130 auf Autobahnen (ließe sich dieses Jahr schon umsetzen) und statt Autobahnausbau Bahnstrecken ausbauen und wiederherstellen. Vorrang für Fahrräder im Stadtverkehr.

Damit ließe sich erreichen, was wir brauchen.

Was wir brauchen, ist dass auch die FDP den erklärten Willen der Bevölkerung umsetzt.

¹ Je nach Schätzung fehlen durch die Nichteinziehung der Vermögenssteuer 10 bis 30 Milliarden Einnahmen im Jahr.

Kategorien: Draketo neu, Ich, Neuigkeiten

What’s ideology — or rather: whose values matter to us?

Draketo neu: Kommentare - Sa, 07/13/2024 - 09:40

Comment to a wish to have an ideological-free politcal party.

Being ideology-free is pretty hard to do because you still have to agree on goals. Is „most people should live a comfortable life“ free of ideology, or is it rather an ideology we don’t see, because it’s normal to us? When I read Putin talk about pride and suffering for it, I wondered whether he would consider “live a good life that feels right to you” as ideology. Him talking about the “rotten west” sounds like he would.

I would like to be honest about goals and act consistent with that. For example: there should still be a human civilization in the year 2200.

Before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, I had thought "naturally everyone wants to live a comfortable life". Afterwards I started looking more closely at documentaries and realized that that’s often not actually the case. You actually need to look no further than protestants (work hard, the reward will come in the afterlife). That’s also why I put my FMS post why Democracy is special on my website.

We need to understand that we cannot take democracy for granted. Or politicians who care about providing a comfortable life to most people. I consider it as right to care about comfortable life for most people — I consider that as the right thing to do — but we need to understand that it’s not self-evident to everyone: that we actually need to convince people.

One thing I think we can start at is the zeroth law of robotics: A robot may not injure humanity or, through inaction, allow humanity to come to harm. — but even that is contested. I’ve discussed with people who said that they would prefer humanity to disappear.

According to a course on how not to burn out on the job I once attended (paid by a health insurer and given at the university), there are universal core values that most humans hold, but only some of them are dominant for each person.

The values, translated and somewhat adjusted to be easy to understand:

  • I want: Prosperity, Prestige, Security, Justice, Tolerance, Preservation
  • I need: Creativity, Self-determination, Variety, Tradition, Conformity, Rule-compliance
  • I want to be: Powerful, Influential, Modest, Caring, Enjoying, Reliable

Ask yourself, which of these values you would hold up without justifying them with another value. Those are most likely your core values.

For example I care about Prosperity (being rich) because money enables me to make things better (be Influential). That’s why prosperity is not one of my core values. But being influential is. I did not expect that result back when I learned about these values; an interesting difference is between powerful and influential. The best programmers are powerful: they can build things no others can. But if you don’t care whether you improved something, but rather whether the project itself improved, that’s influence, not power.

Back to ideology: those values are often in conflict. The big conflict these days is between prosperity and preservation. We’re burning our planet for some added riches. A too narrow ideology plays the values against each other. A wider ideology balances them and provides room for people with any of the different values as core values. But it still won’t be a universal truth, because it will still strike its own balance between the values, but not the only possible balance.

So what I would want is rather to follow political ideas which leave room for different people and ask how to build a society where everyone can live their values.

That means it must accept that different people want different things, and that each of the values has merit on its own.

Wishing for prosperity, needing rules-compliance, and wanting to be powerful is OK. As is wishing for preservation, needing variety and wanting to be caring.

If we burn our planet, those who wish to preserve are thrown under the bus. If we ruin our economy, those who want prosperity are thrown under a bus. If we require everyone to do assigned tasks, independent of skill, those wanting to be powerful are thrown under the bus. If we require everyone to become the top of the crop in their field just to make a living, those who want to be caring are thrown under the bus.

In all that: there are hard requirements of reality: if you starve to death, none of you core values can be fulfilled. So the precondition for such a political idea to be consistent is to sustain life for its followers.

But keep in mind that this balancing of values is an ideology in itself. There are people who think that only the well-being of the powerful is relevant. They used to be the majority back when kings ruled. Utilitarism in the industrial revolution when many people got together in cities seems to have changed that.

And it was pretty hard to convince people of Democracy. How could uneducated commoners make better decisions than the king? In fact even today there are people who say that democractic decision making cannot ever work for projects (I disagree with that because I witnessed projects firsthand where it worked well).

So we will have to convince people of our goals, as self-evident as these goals may seem to us. And it can be hard, especially if they seem self-evident. Because then we might not yet understand the core values of the others.

Kategorien: Draketo neu, Ich, Neuigkeiten

Inline gpg verification instructions with bash heredoc

Draketo neu: Kommentare - Fr, 07/12/2024 - 22:55

Did you know that you can show people how to verify something you wrote on the shell without any quoting?

This command reliably confirms that I wrote this Hello World:

gpg --recv-key F34D6A1235D04903CD22D5C013EF8D452403C3EB; gpg --verify <<- "EOL" -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA256 Hello World -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQIzBAEBCAAdFiEE801qEjXQSQPNItXAE++NRSQDw+sFAmaRq08ACgkQE++NRSQD w+vT7xAAk9CQ4DMMVHHyPE3lpKqc0pOhKapMemsk7RGxTlgSJr4m63JjiHaGyxFC 9fhsGpuyRE7cFMRfKNFT6T6XD0KkTcTlElPNkTrBXwdfMDuP24dd5scKIMLY0pr1 1qxBpc4p4JLBx44HQTrkAQ6OZ/gJR2faTF9RFLYTijV/d4RjwKEZm9x46y1wTonh miQh/iP5TeF+ozEZOkFYGvTbZUBcBacE5sHETUdUnrHkT9sdkeNdv0olj9b2lwgb BjdVQJaAvk9z9iut7+77vxhxfNiRojnUj/FUrgfyE6iwLfhl7WTL2PLh943rR7o4 THsDQNZy7I7rzk3ZyQhkZ2GQMMUbmG3YBvO9xqf8cTMSq9B5muIeH2h6grRlP9JV Hgt2JrTKfbpg5+smpcoIY7x1d35pe9ufx3X/GN7qP2VnJVVhWna9wIBhe6si0OPf YHJOlQC3REhlZvpnWp/5rlZ3cafOdl6sV2Lh+BWxd/C5uZCwFbFbQtHJ/rBzSrGz 5bxMFwIihF+BHfZ+6sCG5LKNUQISIg525cSxJotLXGjh+QZwzM1A+u59OILbUSPv VAEQv4ELCZjaWNiuCv4UXMk4aINIqxkrMOoBEiTQH1X7erUGdkResHZRrWiLFoMY RwQ2IR5Na2cfg94HGz8b/2tMynXUGwzN9Xybx4esMM9h9UfUGYM= =MEV4 -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- EOL

Note the <<- "EOL" construct. That’s a bash heredoc in the safe (not evaluating) variant.

Sure, people have to verify that there’s no rm -rf /not/my/home/.gpg between the two commands, but as far as teaching newcomers how to verify what I wrote, this is the simplest I saw.

And if you use a bash-scripts, you should know heredoc. It may seem obscure, but nothing else comes even close to its versatility.

I’ll leave you with a fun one:

for i in {1..5}; do guile -c '(set! (@@ (system repl common) repl-welcome) (λ _ #f)) (eval (read) (current-module))' <<- EOL (begin (display "Hello ${i}") (newline)) EOL done

This is now also an entry in Shell Tricks where it belonged from the start.

Kategorien: Draketo neu, Ich, Neuigkeiten
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